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Posts posted by Xylobe

  1. 3 people at my school (including me) were rooting for the Saints. Everyone else is a Colts fan. Monday will be fun.

  2. Even though Navi actually served a purpose, she had no significance to the plot. Midna, on the other hand, was fairly important to the plot, but didn't really serve a purpose. Basically, the point I'm trying to get across is that I have no opinion on either of them.

  3. Not 11 minutes before you posted this did I update my status to say 'You just lost the game.'

    And I shall mock you as well, happy that I am not again the target of the mocking.

  4. I shamelessly stole this from another forum... hehe...

    All you do here is think of a quote and add '...in my pants' to the end of it!


    I got you, babe... in my pants. :joy:

    So... just have fun and make sure not to be too offensive.

  5. I agree with YLA, it looks like it could be a good game. And Phoenix, there's always Mario...

    Also, Aethix, cliched =/= bad.

  6. You're banned for not knowing that once you have won the game, there is no losing it. You're also banned for attempting to make me lose the game.

  7. you're banned for calling my name boring, mr. hypocrit!

    You're banned for misspelling hypocrite!

    As for you, That-1guy, you're banned for not being banned yet!