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Posts posted by Joshawott

  1. The book is by far one of the best I've ever read. I've been told my several other people who have read the book and saw the movie that the film wasn't nearly as good and strongly advised against seeing it. Major scenes were either altered or taken out altogether, which I can't seem to understand because every scene in the novel is pivotal to the plot. Other details that were changed that are still relevant, to me anyway, shouldn't have been put in because the novel was perfect the way it was.

  2. 7.5/10

    What are those chinese / japanse / korea sings saying?

    Actually, you mean 10 out of 10.

    And figure it out.

  3. So yesterday, I spent the day the way I want to spend everyday for the next three months. Mario Party, eating, grocery store raids, getting kicked out of Toys-R-Us, and Catchphrase. Recap is here. Holla.

  4. I would hope not. I've lived in Hawaii for a few years, and it's literally my second home.

    But I take everything with a grain of salt. People just overreact too much, and that ain't cute.

  5. I don't think I have an article of clothing that's particularly "part" of me. I used to have this really nice Dickies watch in middle school, though. I wore it everywhere, even in my sleep. When it died, I just decided to stop wearing it because it cost more to repair it than it actually was to buy it to begin with. I remember I spent my entire freshman year trying to even out the sickest tan that it left.

    Oh, I take that back. I wear my huge beetle eye sunglasses everywhere. I also have an affinity for scarves and wraps. I'll wear them even in the midst of summer. I have this thing where I feel like I need multiple layers to look good, even though it's always sunny here.

  6. Let's not devote entire posts to videos, please and thank you.

    I was playing around with my hair after I finished my shower a few minutes ago. Apparently, if I put on a hairband, I look like a black-haired Marth. I thought that was pretty fetch.

  7. OH! I see it now. It's in the E, right? When I first looked at it, I saw a line through it, but I didn't know it was circling it. Had it been more bold, I would have noticed sooner.

  8. They're on episode two right now. That's the one they just aired last week. I don't know if it was filler or not, but it was a pretty cute episode. It's just Haruhi coming up with a list of how she wanted to spend her last two weeks of summer vacation. I wouldn't mind doing the things she did. Things like the o-bon festival and the fireworks shows hella brought back memories.

    Except for maybe cicada catching. I'm not really one for insects. And of course, it's an acid trip! What less can you expect from Haruhi? The fact that it's done with such high quality, too, is like, what did someone just spike my drink with!?

    And another Bleach character I like that I just remembered is Kensuke. He and Lisa are my favorite Vizard. I never watched the side stories though, but I think I should now. My favorite zanpakuto are Renji's Zabimaru, Byakuya's Senbonzakura (Byakuya's is my favorite name. That's so intense, senbonzakura! And especially its bankai name, because it's so pretty. A Vibrant Display of a Thousand Cherry Blossoms. That's intense like camping), Rukia's Sode no Shirayuki, Yumichika's Fuji Kujaku/Ruri Iro Kujaku, Hisagi's Kazeshini (when they showed his shikai, I was like, INTENSE! He can wrap me in those chains), Soi Fon's Suzumebachi, Aizen's Kyoka Suigetsu, Hinamori's Tobiume, Rangiku's Haineko, Ichinose's Nijigasumi, Kaien's Nejibana, and Urahara's Benihime. Kubo comes up with the prettiest names for all their zanpakuto, and they're all so cleverly named and reflect their wielder's personality.

    If I had a zanpakuto, it'd be named something pretty and look cool in kanji, like Gyakuten Megami (逆転女神, Goddess of the sudden reversal), and its bankai would be called Katen Gyakuten Megami (花天逆転女神, Heavenly flower of the goddess of sudden reversal). Because you know, a zanpakuto is only as fabulous as its owner, and we all know I epitomize fabulousness. :]

  9. My mom saw a girl at school with hair like that. She said, "Look at that girl with an identity crisis, coloring her hair crazy colors."

    I just wanted to die from laughter.

  10. You think you could make your pictures any bigger?

    But seriously, resize them to a reasonable size, if you'd be so kind. It's quite a hassle for those with not as favorably fast computers.

  11. 4701_1145977843666_1054110072_30422126_6683596_n.jpg

    Junior sponsor picture I took with three of my friends at prom.


    Prom picture with Academic League 08-09. Our teacher/advisor is in the middle on the top row.



  12. 5D's... *HISS*

    NOTHING WITH A SECOND PART TO THE TITLE SHALL EVER BE YU-GI-OH TO ME. *Still remembers the entire plot of the duelist kingdom arch.*

    Girl, you're trippin'. 5D's is actually really good. It's a lot better than GX, anyway. But then I never watched GX because Jaden and his friends were annoying, and Yusei is hella badass. Like Yami badass, and that speaks volumes. And Yusei and Jack are totally secret lovers, but then Yusei is also pretty gay for Crow, and Kiryu totally backdoor visitsed Yusei behind all their backs. But not when Yusei is having a straight love affair with Aki. Mmm, can't you just SENSE the sexual tension?


    You're awesome. =DD XD

    YES, yes. My friends and I totally fan over Hetalia. I mean, can you not tell from my signature? I'm Hong Kong because we look alike, and three of my friends are America, Japan and England because they all totally act the same. I'm the only one whose based on looks because I don't really act like Hong Kong. I lack a poker face, evidently. I also like Germany, Spain, Greece, Prussia, Austria, China, England, America, Canada, Japan, Taiwan, Hungary, Belarus, Thailand, Vietnam North and South Italy, and South Korea. They need to make a Philippines, because it can totally relate to the World War II plot. But my favorite comic is the American Revolution, because it was totally a supa supa kawaii moment between America and England.

    And Sengoku BASARA. Ooh gurl, that anime is intense like a circus on fire. Yukimura can be kind of irritating sometimes, especially with Shingen. "OYAKATA-SAMA!" My favorite characters are Sasuke, Masamune, Kojuro and Nohime. I'm a lot more used to the character's depictions in Sengoku Musou, though. Like, Kenshin is far, far less effeminate. Oichi isn't nearly as self-pitiful. Mitsuhide is no where near as sadistic as he is in BASARA. And Tokugawa isn't a little kid. But oh, that was hella random when Tadakatsu was introduced as a freakin' Gundam. Because the only thing more realistic than a giant enemy crab is a Gundam in the middle of the 1500s.

    And Bleach, holla! I'm totally hoping for an Ichigo/Orihime ending. They totally look good together! Ichihime and Renruki, holla! My other favorite characters are Noba, Hisagi, Soi Fon, Yoruichi, Urahara, Hinamori, Rangiku, Kaien, and others. My favorite Bount was Yoshi. I actually thought the Bount arc was pretty decent, but probably because I didn't even know it was a filler arc, because when it started made sense because the Soul Society Arc had just finished. Unlike the Shusuke Amagai arc, which totally cut in the middle of the Hueco Mundo arc. That was pretty decent too. At least Bleach's fillers have a cohesive storyline, unlike Naruto, which is one giant mess to begin with. My favorite arrancar are Grimmjow, Halibel and Aaroniero. That was intense like camping when Grimmjow totally cero'd Luppi's ass when Orihime restored his arm, and it was intense when Rukia was fighitng Aaroniero and he copied Kaien. And Halibel is delicious, because her boobies are huge. Even though I'm personally not one for outrageously large breasts.

    I really like Bleach's art style. Especially their costume designs, because unlike most anime (and most cartoons in general), the characters actually have a wardrobe. Like, you can tell when their outfits change. AND, their outfits (especially Ichigo's!) are really nice. Like, I'm always shopping at H&M and XXI to put together outfits that look as nice as his. Ichigo can hella rock graphic tees, scarves, aviators and jackets.

    I'm also watching Haruhi Suzumiya season two. I like the opening and ending sequences! I prefer the songs used in season one ("Bouken Desho Desho!?" and "Hare Hare Yukai, holla! But "TOMARE!" is nice, too), but the actual animation sequences in season two are better. I also like the art style (and especially animation quality) of Haruhi. Like in Bleach, I like how the main characters all have unique outfits, and how the entire animation runs at like, a million FPS. I really like the neighborhood Kyon lives in. It's a lot like the area I lived in when I lived in Japan. I also like Kyon's room. I really like the furniture arrangement and how it's always clean. I even arranged my room to look like his. The one thing I like most about his room is his giant floor to ceiling window. I want one like that, but alas, my house is only one floor and my window faces the front yard, so that's not practical.


  13. Does anyone watch xxxHolic? I've heard that I should watch it, but I don't know what it's about. The same thing with One Piece and Ouran.

    Right now the anime I'm watching are Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's, Bleach, Hetalia and Sengoku BASARA.

  14. I plan to double-major in history and Japanese language. I want to be a history teacher. I'd like to teach at the high school level, or even at a university. That given, I'm intended to go for my masters degree at least, and I'm really ambitious about wanting my doctorate, because there's so many teachers at my school who have gotten their masters and are even accredited professors at such early ages. I'm like, "I want to be like them."

  15. Lo and behold, takes yet another step back from what it was originally intended for. A Zelda site.

    And people wonder why Hyrule isn't regarded in such high esteem as one compared to others.

  16. Typingtutorial.png

    This was something I used to use when I was still learning Japanese that I came across a while ago, and I thought it'd be beneficial to anyone learning the language as well. It's kind of like those programs that measure your WPM. It doesn't do that necessarily, but it helps you type in Japanese more accurately, as well as read it. What's good about it, too, is that you don't need to have kana input installed in your computer to use it, since it accepts English.

    What it does is basically gives you lines (given in both kanji and kana), and you're given a minute to type as many lines as you can (if you can make at least partial sense out of the sentences, they're based on Yu-Gi-Oh!. Remember I said I used this when I was still learning some six or seven years ago, and that's when I was fanning over the series). It keeps count of all the characters you type in correctly, as well as your mistakes. Just fill out the options based on the screenshot I took for better usage (I don't really like the readings on the left column; that's why I chose the ones on the right except for "ji").

    If you don't know a single character of hiragana, then select the option I marked as "for romaji". It'll display in the text bar where the kana is as English characters. If you're more familiar with hiragana, then just keep the option "for hiragana". Also, select/deselect "for key guide" to toggle the on-screen keyboard guide. When it's on, it highlights which key(s) to press for that specific character. If you're looking for more of a challenge, try turning it off and see how much you can do based on memory.

    Umiyami Typing Assistant