Otis McNutt

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Posts posted by Otis McNutt

  1. No offence, but if you really knew anything about politics you wouldn't be asking such stupid questions. Your mind has been clouded by too much Liberal opinionated Hollywood trash or leftist NBC or CBS news. Sure lets impeach the administration for.... not letting us get terrorist attacked in 6 years. If you want someone to blame for our problems blame Osama Bin Laden or former president Clinton, if it wasn't for him 9/11 would never have happened. Read the 9/11 comission report it's all there. Don't believe anything the media, democrats, Michael Moore, Rosie O'donnel or any one else for that matter. Look at all the unbiased evidence then form your own damn opinions. And for those of you who don't even live here, just shut the hell up about things you don't understand, you didn't see the smoldering ruins of the trade towers on Tv for days after it happened and see people in other countries celebrating as they fell on tv. We were all scared for weeks afterwards, we all wondered what would happen next. So until you live in fear every day, just sit on it and twirl. And the Democrats have been in charge of both houses for about a year and la de freaking da they haven't done poo, so much for precious donkeys! Hilary Clinton that's a joke, she's the last person to be running anything, she didn't even know her own worthless sack of crap husband was screwing anything with a vagina, yeah that's the kind of insight i want in the leader of the free world. I remember the whole "i did not have sex with that woman" so anyone here born after 1990 just shut it now! You have no idea the things i've seen. Like in 89 when the Berlin wall came down, you've only read about it in history class we watched it live on tv, my dad was saying that he never though he'd live to see that, he saw it being built when he was a kid. Who helped demolish that? We did, So boo America is evil, all we did was the little things like decide the outcome of every major world conflict for the past 100 years.

  2. ARE THEY???

    They are only available (right now) in Japan. They aren't technically figures as much as statutes. They get them from (I wanna say) gum ball machines! I have no idea if you guys have them where your from (other countries) but in the US you put money in them (usually 50 cents) turn a dial or knob and the thing pops out in a plastic egg. But unlike here where they are cheap crap, in Japan they are made of high grade plastic and are highly detailed. I'll look for a website tomorrow and post here, as for right now, i'm tired, it's time for bed....


  3. There making a DBZ movie now I liked DBZ when I was younger :unsure: do I still like it. I don't know, but when it says Goku the young hero it sounds like the show Dragon Ball which was made after the original show but I still think DB is better than DBZ. :unsure:

    Actually DB came first from 1986-1989, followed by DBZ 1989-1996 then DBGT 1996-1997. But in the US, DBZ was aired before DB.

  4. Ive never been to Durango, or seen it, but I would've thought the DBZ movie would be filmed mostly in a large & barren place.. much like the fighting sequences in the cartoon, in some deserted mountains with no one around?

    Still interesting to know.. Uhhmm.. Any idea when its gonna be released? 2008? 2009?

    Durango is in Mexico, It's located in the desert.

  5. dragonballzupdate.jpg

    Mexican newspaper El Norte reports that 20th Century Fox will film 85% of the Dragon Ball Z movie in Durango, Mexico under the direction of James Wong.

    The production, expected to film in 2008, plans to use the Mexiquillo Forest, Marley Ranch, Hacienda la Providencia, La Joya Ranch, Laguna Seca de Santiaguillo and a forum from a Convention Center in the Culture Institute.

    "Durango meets the needs in hotels, personnel, services like transportation, equipment, stunts, restaurants. This movie will provide the city with 750 jobs and an important flow of money," said Susana El

  6. I don't care very much, being a non- drama/sitcom/etc watcher.

    I'd rather watch Science/Discovery channel or Animal Planet.

    I like to learn /outside/ of HellSCHOOL school.

    Hate to break it to you but certain shows like "Dirty Jobs" and "Mythbusters" as well as many others are gonna be affected by the strike. Really the only shows unaffected will be *shudder* reality programs *shudder*!!!!!!! :wacko::cry:

  7. Ah yes, human greed at its finest.

    In all fairness though, DT82 does raise a valid point - is a little more than $200,000 a year really so greedy, when company execs are making 20 mill?

    Tv is horrible these days, there is very few TV shows that i actually watch regularly (at least once a week). The Simpsons being the only non-Australian TV show that I watch regularly.

    I dont think they deserve a pay rise. There are no new idea's, everything is just a rip off of something else. So until they actually start writing good tv, and earning themselves a bit more respect and credibility, I dont think anyone deserves a pay rise.

    (this also goes for movie writers too)

    I disagree with you there ZuZu, Their is this show on ABC (American Broadcasting Company) called "Pushing Daisies". It's the most original show i've seen in years. Check out some clips and see what I mean.

    Pushing Daisies

  8. $200,000 is a lot of money, to be honest, I think they're greedy b******s.

    The problem with strikes is people think its an easy way of getting more money, most of the time they don't actually deserve the extra money and it just causes tons of disruption.

    It is, but studio executives get 20 million a year. They just want to be treated fairly. Were ok for now but come 2008, the second half of tv seasons are in jeopardy. I just realised that midseason series will be ok, shows like Jericho, Monk, Psych, 24, and Terminator.

  9. Today the WGA (Writers guild of America) went on strike for the second time since it's inception. They are striking to increase they're salary's, the currently get $200,000 a year. Do you realise what will happen if the strike continues. It means that every TV show will be in repeats after the December holidays. That means no Heroes, Prison Break, C.S.I., noting even talk shown like Conan, Leno, Letterman, all will take hits, even movies are in trouble. So unless they get what they're asking we could be without new shows, the first strike in 1988 almost 20 years ago lasted 22 weeks! So i propose that all members of Hyrule.net show support to the guild.

    Visit http://www.wga.org

    for more information.

    And this effects all even those people living outside the US, you watch our shows too.

  10. Wow, just wow. Hey, try to make the Fierce Diety mask!

    I tried to do one, I wanna give him a 3d nose but i'll be damned if it can't be done, any ideas?

  11. this message is semi-truth, semi-fiction right?

    His mother, Father, Grandfather and pretty much all non game characters are ones I made up, as well as events other than established game canon.

  12. I always thought that ganondorf was, at first, spelled ganondwarf, and he was a so called, "little person" when one day, his sorrow formed into rage and made him taller for no reason whatsoever, and he became, dundunDUUUUNN, the GANONdwarf! that is all


    But seriously, how was it?

  13. This article is in the perspective of an unseen third party, Some artistic licence was used and some game plot points were altered and added. Hope you read the whole thing...

    Ganondorf Dragmire, The very mention of his name sends shivers down the spine. But what happened to him, why did he seek to conquer Hyrule