Otis McNutt

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Profile Comments posted by Otis McNutt

  1. Otis McNutt

    watched Fullmetal Alchemist battle of Shamballa. A good conclusion to the series overall.
  2. Otis McNutt

    Just turned one of my Idea Barn ideas into a Novel. Gave it to a friend to read and they said I should self publish, but that costs a lot of money. "Start a Kickstarter" she said. So, should I?.
  3. Otis McNutt

    I've been having some knee pain lately so I went to the Doctor today. He told me I have cartilage degeneration.
  4. Otis McNutt

    ordered A Link between worlds and the prima strategy guide from Amazon. the hardcover guide is green leather and gold foil and comes with a limited edition lithograph.
  5. Otis McNutt

    The Pokemon Bank release has been postponed, puppy a Psyduck!
  6. Otis McNutt

    I just got a serious bump in hazard pay, I'm almost hoping I get shot.......almost.
  7. Otis McNutt

    I watched the "Skyward Sword" equipment upgrade trailer and literally got hard...LITERALLY!!!
  8. Otis McNutt

    I see my Manifesto thread was deleted. I was wondering how long it would last.
  9. Otis McNutt

    Sup' bitches! I'm back, you can call off the search party!
  10. Otis McNutt

    this may sound like bull, but I think I just saw a UFO!
  11. Otis McNutt

    I'm a Monster, as well as a Dwarf. You should charge me double.
  12. Otis McNutt

    That's how they end Merlin.......really?!
  13. Otis McNutt

    ABC has ordered a pilot for an American adaptation of the British sitcom Spy. Not sure how I feel about that.
  14. Otis McNutt

  15. Otis McNutt

    Zachary Levi is starting a Kickstarter to fund a Chuck Movie.......yes please!!!!!!!!!
  16. Otis McNutt

    The Bells of Saint John
  17. Otis McNutt

    While cleaning today I found my copy of Pokémon Leif green. I plugged it into my old DS and it played except it told me the battery had run dry and clock based events wouldn't work.
  18. Otis McNutt

    The 3rd Man of Steel trailer hit the web, I'm not much of a Superman fan but..........OH YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  19. Otis McNutt

    My Grandmother died a few hours ago just two days shy of her 91st Birthday.
  20. Otis McNutt

    The tv gods have smiled upon us, Community has been renewed for a 5th Season.
  21. Otis McNutt

    The Zelda Oracle Series arrives in the 3DS eShop tomorrow at 9am.
  22. Otis McNutt

    someone told me that there's a demo of Zelda A Link between worlds on the eShop channel, there isn't! Lying asshole.
  23. Otis McNutt

    Man of Steel............SO EPIC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  24. Otis McNutt

    looking for someone to Design a Police Badge for Hyrule
  25. Otis McNutt

    William and Kate's Baby is the only British Royal who has a legitimate excuse for being a toothless, petulant and useless human being.