Gaara at the Disco

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Posts posted by Gaara at the Disco

  1. wish granted but ganondorf tricks the triforce into not breaking when he touched and the world is forever ruled by ganon

    i wish for nothing to go wrong with my wish

  2. Queequeg was the heavily tattooed cannibal harpooner in Moby Dick. Queequeg the fish had tattoo like stripes.

    now i understand thank you

  3. Alright this is how it works

    I pick a theme and say two things that start with an a in that that theme the next person says two things that start with a b

    Example theme: characteristics

    me: arrogant, adverse

    person 2: b*tchy, bigoted

    and so on until we finish the alphabet

    the one who does z gets to pick the next theme and we continue

    ok the theme is names of ppl on


  4. I'd freak out because I don't have anything to play it on.

    What would you do if Vaati was running against Ganondorf for president?

    Vote for Ganon

    What would you do if got a virus and died