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Posts posted by Jo-Bengt

  1. Dude if you ever feel the need there's an edit button under your posts. You can just use that instead of double-posting. :)


    See? You can click a box to show if you edited it and everything. It's pretty awesome.

    But on topic:

    Hmm... Not so immortal then, are they?

  2. Last time I played SC2 was a couple of weeks ago, I was Link and my friend was Talim. It was an epic fight, but lol neither of us remembered the movesets and I kept on pulling out an item and ended up switching them over and over :embarrassed:

  3. I think this is kinda a constant thing. It's not like "Oh, I'm already saved"

    I'm not trying to be a perfect Christian or a devout or anything.

  4. I honestly only care about story and maybe combat looking awesome so I usually play on easy. You should just do that and get through the first one.

    But wait you mean Eamon? And Morrigan's sluttiness pales in comparison to Isabella's, although Isabella is a very likable character IMO. Morrigan can be, too, but she's kind of a bitch.

  5. I know I'm really late but did hell freeze over?

    YLA after all the years of looking at arguments between you and everyone about bias and everything, it's really good to see this resolved. It's also good that we'll all be enjoying SS now :D

  6. Scare tactics? Idk. I know I'm already saved, but I don't exactly dedicate my life to Christ even though I wouldn't turn my back on him. But things like this make me kinda scared and make me want to beg and all, but what does that mean? Am I just begging because I'm scared that I'll go to hell? My salvation isn't just about not going to hell. I know I don't want to go there, but still.

    And the fear is only there for a few seconds, then I realize again that if the world were to be ending right now I know that I wouldn't have anything to be afraid of.

  7. I can't imagine a world without Japan. Where would gaming be right now?

    Japan's the shit. We get a lot of influence in our media and different stuff from there. I just can't see it dropping off the map. Ever. It's great if everyone's helping them out.

  8. DA 2 comes out in 2 days. 2 days.

    But yeah DA discussion.

    Witch Hunt DLC spoiler:

    Ending was great with me going in the mirror with Morrigan but then I got PISSED when it just ended. I just crossed into another plane of existence with my son there and all that but I don't get to see it. I can't go back so my Warden just vanished from the world, and I can't even see his story's end. Sadface.

    Also I have determined that DA takes place in a fantastical period before the Biblical Flood. Hawke is actually Noah and Kirkwall is the Ark. And Flemeth flies off into space because she's a bitch like that. The Mayans predict her return to be in 2012, meaning the end of the world. Yeah.

    Did anyone else read that Anders is going to appear in DA2, and that Isabella from the Pearl in DA1 is Bella in DA2? I can't remember if they actually removed the Isa- in DA2 or not though. Actually, I could have sworn that they added it in a patch or something for DA1.

    Wait, I remember now. Bella was the girl in the Redciffe tavern. Isabella in the Pearl was always Isabella. But yeah she's in DA2.

  9. 3 days an a half Pheo


    Not that I'm excited for this. I think I might be hunched over a toilet when this happens.

    Also Battlefield 3 is going to be the shit, especially compared to a COD title.

  10. I think it'd be pretty awesome if this was the Middle East's American Revolution, like in its effect. One revolution then another then another then another. I think that's how it happened with Europe, right? I think it started with the American Revolution, forgive/correct me if I'm wrong.


    It'll be pretty awesome if most of the Middle East turns to democracy from this. Idk what most of them are now.

  11. I don't doubt that they're together, I just think that lolrus is Mila. I just don't remember CO being the guy that would say something like that.

    If it's him, why would he go to the extent to make a new account, he could just log into CO.