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Posts posted by LDGM

  1. First of all, not supposed to advertise stuffs here. Second of all, this probably belongs in the "Open Floor" forum, as it has nothing to do with Zelda or its game play.

    i'd have posted something like that, except it's backseat modding.

    something i shouldn't do and recieved a warning for.

  2. i might also be getting a pound of dog chow.

    hmm, what flavour.

    i like the pedigree DentaSticks.

    chew toys are also quite amusing.

    especially the shiny rubber ones!

  3. i will most likely be getting metroid prime 3 and assassin's creed. i have more but i don't know what they are. the only hint i have recieved is that, "it will amuse me"

    prehaps a flea collar.

    they are quite amusing so i've heard.

  4. I found out my parents are getting me a guitar for Christmas. Anyone else figure out what they're getting? :joy:

    yeah, i get to choose all of my christmas pesents :joy:

    the cath is that i can only get 5 Zzz

    so i know what i'm getting for sure.

    \/ :pokepoke:

  5. alls he needs to do is put on a greenish shirt, wrap cloth around his hands, and maybe add a bit more to his eyebrows and he could go as rock lee for halloween next year

    or rock lee can do the opposite and go as sahaqiel for halloween. :D

  6. ... You guys are mean... ;~;

    Stop mocking my hideousness. And I don't have a freaking bowl cut >_<

    Why aren't you looking at the FIRST picture of me? The one that's slightly less hideous?


    you are the incarnate of rock lee.

  7. Jikklop R. H. Byrne.

    It all started eons ago, when my younger brother told me his password for Runescape. It was "Dewers".

    He told me that he chose it because you can type it with one hand, so I made one, and that one became Jikklop.

    Now he goes around using Dewers as his nickname.

    The "R" stands for "Rusty". My brand of schoolbag is "Rusty" and it has that name printed in big, white letters on the side.

    My friends eventually started calling me Rusty.

    The "H" stands for "Hobo". My teacher said something about us thinking that we were "six foot tall and bullet-proof", and my friend said that, "It's soooo true!" because she is, quite literally, six foot tall. I said, "You're name is now Kevlar." Kevlar is a company that makes bullet-proof vests. She replied in saying, "Okay, but I get to call you Hobo." Where she got Hobo, I'll never know.

    "Byrne" is merely my last name. Seventh most popular name in Ireland, original form "

  8. Ok I have your numbers (and of another one's)

    Final someone else plays :P

    Now you all only have to wait until day 17 than the winner get his/her rupee's and on day 17 you can play aging :biggrin:

    fine, i'm pateint

  9. I wish I had a name like any of those, mine's boring and one of the most common ones in existance...

    but this topic hs gone really off-topic, so either get back on topic, or I'm going to lock it. If you want to talk about names, feel free to create a new one about it on open floor.

    okay then i'll open a "guess the name of the person above" thread in Forum games.

    i'll see you all there hopefully.

    back on topic now though!

  10. I've never really had a girlfriend either, but I'm not bothered anymore (or at least not at the moment) because there's not really anyone about that I feel that way and I'm probabbly unlikely to until Uni now.

    i fell that way too.

    i mean 'tis kinda hard for me for a lot of england is now being inhabited by imigrants from lituania and who knows where else!

  11. Chapter 3: What Is This Place?

    ~End Chapter~


    awaiting next chaper patienly.

  12. Has anyone ever heard the song by Weird Al about canada? :D

    yeah, w00t canadian idiot.

    i have it on my mobile.

    weird al's the best.

  13. Garo Master, you're just bugging him aren't you? :biggrin: But Submarinequill, is funny!

    heh, it was but i'll stop bugging Sahaqiel now.

  14. *Tries to read his signature*

    Um, about that....

    YER SIGNATURE IS BLANK. Well, at least on my computer it is.

    'tis on mine too.

  15. well technically i did nothing

    actually you stand guilty of:

    insulting a certain pie and potato

    not supporting a hostge cat plan

    failing to support flea collars and replacing them with a flea collar spell.

    and in no way did i say you could let others fill in requests like mine.

    read your comments to se a summary of this.

  16. Actually, it's not stealing since HE did it FOR you. so you doing it would be STEALING from HIM.

    I pity you.


    ah. we all have bad days, good days, and those wierd days where everything you know is not true.

    srry if i offended you.

    you offended jimethy by spelling his name wrong but 'tis okay i forgive you but not CN.

    i quit his fan clubs.

  17. Some is annoying me right now.

    AND HIS NAME IS LIGHTLY DARK GARO MASTER!!!!! :angry::angry::angry::angry::angry::angry:

    well you stole mine and val hammer's idea.

    you will pay.

    we should have a match like y.link addict and TBZFE if you win you get the hostage cats back and the supreme potato.

    but if i win you close down your lyric shop.

    also i quit the lord of therings and chuck norris fan clubs.