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Profile Comments posted by Dark_One

  1. Dark_One

    Cascade needs to check out Swapnote. All my messages to people are without a stylus, by the way.
  2. Dark_One

    100 guests. Really? We won't bite.
  3. Dark_One

    Zelda has the Triforce of Wisdom!!!
  4. Dark_One

    Street Fighter X Tekken is on sale on Steam for like $20. Should I get it?
  5. Dark_One

    Ugh, inflamed thumb tendon :<
  6. Dark_One

    Time for bed :<
  7. Dark_One

    Jasmine's in my lap, licking her paw and cleaning her head. My stomach growled. and she just kinda slowly stopped and looked at it. Then resumed the grooming.
  8. Dark_One

    Happy Easter, guys
  9. Dark_One

    I feel Saha will like this http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rMySPyu0yaQ&sns=em Also anybody else cool
  10. Dark_One

    Happy birthday,     !
  11. Dark_One

    365 days till I can legally ruin my life
  12. Dark_One

    My best ladyfriend just got home from having her gallbladder removed. She's in pain, and is lying down. I didn't know I would feel like this :<
  13. Dark_One

  14. Dark_One

    Ask a Gentern who they prefer - 10 out of 9 will say the Pavi
  15. Dark_One

    Totally having an awesome chat with a german dude on Dueling Network right now
  16. Dark_One

    I frikkin love Cheerios
  17. Dark_One

    Panic Station and Supremacy are the only songs from The 2nd Law I like, and PS is just because it's funky :<
  18. Dark_One

    Guys, go read my sad tale
  19. Dark_One

    So yeah, 1:48 here, I'm playing Elton John's I'm Still Standing on Rock Band Blitz