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Posts posted by .::TheLonelyShadow::.

  1. grow up. or get a life XD


    im not taking sides.

    i dont know either of the compliants but really

    grow up. i know you guys have WAY MUCH BETTER THings to do then

    sit here and think of things to say to each other.

    not everyone is nice nor are they perfect.

    give 'em a break.



    ... Umm, I hope you are not accusing me of saying mean things. Cause I'm just here trying to get everyone to get off my case. If not, sorry.

    Hylian, you didn't even bother take the time to know me so don't say anything unless you can prove it!

    Ah, who cares about me? I'm just a girl that everyone LOVES to talk about.

  2. we'll 'make up' when we are ready.

    Vivi, I was worried that you would follow some of the other members, you know, behave like them?

  3. personally, I really don't care if he gave me aother chance. What he says about me, I don't think I want one.

  4. Sorry for everything, folks. BUT! I do hope that you are alot nicer to WolfLink and Vivi then you were to me and GL. I really do.

    Like I said, I'm doing some serious thinking. About my life, and why the hell I wasted my time on the internet and why I even bothered to ask Dustin to become a moderator in the first place. Yes, I was mean and cruel and I'm admitting it. There! See? I'm admitting it. Now wonder if you people can admit that you were a little harsh on all of the moderators too? I very much doubt that. 'What goes around, comes around' as they say. I won't be too surprised that you guys are giving the two new mods a hard time. Rules are rules. No matter what they are. Of course, in your cases, I suppose they are meant to be broken. I'm usually going to check in with Gingerlink but he doesn't seem to want to talk to me anymore. Whatever.

    I should of just stayed far, far away from you people. That way I could keep my loner status on. Oh well, I still have it, in a way.


  5. Ah.. I remember that movie.. *rings a bell* Everytime a bell rings and angel gets his wings.. Thataboy Clerance... That aboy... *me takes out flower petals* Susu's petals! I wanna live again! Hm.. I wonder if this should do..? <a href="http://hyrule.net/external.php?url=http%3A%2F%2Fangryalien.com%2F1204%2Fwonderful_lifebuns.asp">http://angryalien.com/1204/wonderful_lifebuns.asp</a> When it finishes.. hit the little bunny icons at the bottom!

    So, we won't be hearing of this anymore?

    i hope so. You seem like a sweet kid.

  6. Pfft. Then if he truly DOES exsist, he would of said except everyon --- No matter if they are gay, bisexual or whatever. NO! HE DOESN'T!

  7. You know, you need someone to talk to, call Kids Help Phone. 1-866-8686... I think that's it. If not go to the website kidshelpphone.ca and check. They helped me out. And, if you want, talk to me as well. I've been through the same thing as you and am still going through it!

  8. *sarcasam* Yes, thats right. Im done, finished, through. hate me if you want, I don't give a darn's worth of care. I'm much happier since I quit. Time to say good bye and good riddance. No more modding, no more being sad. Well, that's not entirely true since I've been empty but that's beside the point. Im finished with your insanity and trying to drag me along with it. I'm sick of this.

    My birthday went terrible, my boyfriend didn't show. I hate him for it. I'm through, I'm just going to crawl until a rock until Im dead. So to speak.


  9. We all know that PZ or someone would've edited it then....and I can't afford for them to get angry at me again.....(no, seriously. I only got like twenty bucks on me.*opens wallet, sees puff of smoke come out, coughs*)

    Got any ID that I can have then? :D

  10. If neither of you are going to admit the truth, then both of you need to work of your grammer, spelling and punctuation and whatnot. Heck, I'll be happy to look over it for you. I'm the expert!

  11. O.o ... Okay, your crazy... BUT when I watch fear factor I get hungry... Anyways...

    I want Tim Speedle to come back! :(

  12. Ok, this has probably got to be my favotie series. CSI Miami is number one and CSI and CSI NY and tied for me. Argh, can't decide....