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Profile Comments posted by SilverAlchemic

  1. SilverAlchemic

    so hnet mobile isn't horrible. Go figure.
  2. SilverAlchemic

    So I saw Pacific Rim.
  3. SilverAlchemic

    JEGUS WHY DID I CHANGE MY NAME. Now I'm stuck as Pheo. T_T
  4. SilverAlchemic

    Suddenly i'm GH-SS again. What sorcery is this? Also I hate Ip Board theme.
  5. SilverAlchemic

    what is air how do i oxygen
  6. SilverAlchemic

    I just can not think of anything to post in the forums at all.
  7. SilverAlchemic

  8. SilverAlchemic

    Merry Happy early Christmas, late Hanukkah, and I don't know enough about Kwanzaa to say for sure whether i'm late or early, but have a happy one!~
  9. SilverAlchemic

    Make her a member of the Midnight Crew~
  10. SilverAlchemic

    Shit, I think I'm coming down with a cold.
  11. SilverAlchemic

    I wonder how long until Ganny starts acting the way he normally does
  12. SilverAlchemic

    By the way Curly dies
  13. SilverAlchemic

    Is it possible to see which of your posts was which number? I wanna go back and number my 1,000th post.
  14. SilverAlchemic

    Merry Christmas, Scotts, Brits, and other Europeans!
  15. SilverAlchemic

    You ever feel like you've just survived a Dementor attack?
  16. SilverAlchemic

    yo happy deathday ghostmen quail-561 and thisotherdude
  17. SilverAlchemic

    I puppying hate DST and everything about it. I want the whole god damn thing to go the hell away.
  18. SilverAlchemic

    Note to self: Don't break plastic forks with the combined effort of a chair leg and your own ass.
  19. SilverAlchemic

    I re-installed Ubuntu and hOLY SHIT 529 UPDATES???
  20. SilverAlchemic

    Why am I up so puppying late
  21. SilverAlchemic

    Is Glee Werewolf ever going to update
  22. SilverAlchemic

    I finished inFAMOUS 2. What an Evil ending.
  23. SilverAlchemic

    Happy wriggling day, Terezi.
  24. SilverAlchemic

    Joyous date of birth, Physician Short-foliage-resembling-trees.