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Profile Comments posted by TrueNinja2

  1. TrueNinja2 » Markus

    Oh, I see. All you need is a USB cable to hook to your computer/modem. Or a wireless router(USB chords are way cheaper though). The cards are only about 20 bucks for 3 months worth of online.
  2. TrueNinja2 » Markus

    Lol. Is something wrong with it? Or do you just need a card? (I need a new one soon...)
  3. TrueNinja2 » Markus

    Reach was amazing! :D It was by far the funnest Halo there is, and it was only a beta, which means the full game is going to be even better.
    Okay, thanks. I'll send you a friend request next time I get online.
  4. TrueNinja2 » Markus

    Welcome back! And thanks. I got a 360 for my birthday XD And Halo 3, but I forgot your gamertag. Mine's Uchiha1996
  5. TrueNinja2

    tested the Halo:Reach Beta.
  6. TrueNinja2 » True Gamer

    Happy Birthday.
  7. TrueNinja2 » Link Player

    Pretty good, pretty bad. Just finished Star Testing. 'shudder'. Pretty excited, waiting for the new Metroid to come out, though I probably won't get it for a while.(Im saving up for Halo: Reach now.)
    Where've you been this whole time?(Actually, you were probably here the whole time and I just didn't notice XD Im not on very much anymore.)
  8. TrueNinja2 » misa
  9. TrueNinja2 » Markus

    Yeah, Code Geass is awesome :D
    I watched a couple episodes of Supernatural. Wasn't all that great. Really corny in my opinion.
  10. TrueNinja2 » Markus

    Well... not anymore. He exchanged it, and now he has wireless internet in his room, so... I'll have him search you up next time I talk to him. If you get a request from TrueNinja1, it's him.
  11. TrueNinja2 » Akira

    Not much, really... eating ramen, watching Naruto, playing Wii... etc.
    Did you get your Wii set up okay?
  12. TrueNinja2 » Markus

    If he gets serious he can beat me sometimes. Other than that, not really. But he's been practicing.
    Our Halo 3 just broke :P So he has to either exchange it or get a new one.
    And he made a new Gamertag, it's TrueNinja1 now. I play on KD 1 Enterprises though, so you'll know who killed you.
    Yeah, he only gets to play on Xbox Live when he's at my house, which isn...
  13. TrueNinja2 » Rika Code

  14. TrueNinja2 » Markus

    Don't worry, my gamertag sucks too.(Not really mine, it's my friend's. He doesn't get to come over a lot, but when he does we play online.)
    KD 1 Enterprises
    Which Halo? 2 or 3?
  15. TrueNinja2 » Akira

    Happy New Yea- WOAH. ITS 2010. 14 in 3 months!! XD
  16. TrueNinja2 » FreckleFart

    Cool story bro.
  17. TrueNinja2 » misa

    It's just that Im completely fed up with you.
  18. TrueNinja2 » Ammonsa

    What isn't cool, seriously?
  19. TrueNinja2 » Akira

    Hope that helps ;D
    Happy Birthday, btw.
  20. TrueNinja2 » Akira

    Yeah, on the Wii menu you click the little button at the bottom with 'Wii' on it, it'll take you to another page. Click the button that looks like a letter, then click the address book, it'll tell you your code. If you give someone your code, and you add theirs, then you can message eachother, and stuff. It's different when playing games, you have to have the specific code f...
  21. TrueNinja2 » Akira

    AWESOME!! Do you have Wi-Fi Connection yet?
  22. TrueNinja2 » Akira

    It's an action/drama/adventure type anime. If you like those genres you won't be disappointed. ;D
    Do you have a Wii?
  23. TrueNinja2 » Arcane

  24. TrueNinja2 » Akira

    Oh, I see... It's just that almost every single thing about you(except for age and typing)is the exact same as her.
    Code Geass... well, this student, Lelouch. Is actually the 11th prince of Britannia. Britannia has built these war machines known as Knightmare Frames, and are using them to take over the world. He starts a rebellion to free Japan, and... yeah. It's awesome.
  25. TrueNinja2 » Akira

    I don't know, never been there XD
    This may sound ridiculous to you, but I have a suspicion that you are, in fact, Cat Girl.
    If not, do you like Code Geass?