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Profile Comments posted by T1g

  1. T1g

    apparently SOPA is happening again or something. As long as it leaves my anime sites alone this time I'll be fine
  2. T1g

    ive gained 12 followers since i started streaming cowboy bebop
  3. T1g

    Stream is starting soon
  4. T1g

    starting cowboy bebop in 5 min
  5. T1g

    stalling cowboy bebop marathon for reasons
  6. T1g

    stream starts at 2 ish
  7. T1g

    Successfully uploaded our Grief Syndrome run on Youtube, and posted them all in a new thread
  8. T1g

    Nabe if it takes too much time to create the whole podcast now, can we at least get the fanfiction readings?
  9. T1g

    Why is pheo getting more happy birthday's than me
  10. T1g

    we had a karaoke night in club last night. And then we wrecked our voices on a single song
  11. T1g

    Those 25th anniversary posters are back up on Club Nintendo
  12. T1g

    I'll be waiting for your example, Chimetals
    1. Show previous comments  26 more
    2. 2356

      I'm not sure I'm as fond of brownie batter. I'm not as fond of brownies either.

    3. T1g

      i would choose brownies over cake. the chocolate part of a brownie is good enough that there isnt a need to put a ton of icing and frills on it

    4. 2356

      It's funny because I kind of incredibly dislike icing. All chocolate cakes are covered in chocolate. Not chocolate icing but chocolate.

    5. Show next comments  15 more
  13. T1g

    Am i cool yet
  14. T1g

    Teto you need to get in on this minecraft faction server thing
  15. T1g

    Pity no one told me about the legend of zelda nintendo club posters. with all the crap i had when i registered just now i made more than enough coins to buy it
  16. T1g

    when will the podcast be out, and also there is one from like 2009 still out there
  17. T1g

    Can we get less new users with Majora's Mask as their icon
  18. T1g

    Pretty sure Rika hates Linkprow and Sayuri
  19. T1g

    Whoever deleted that other comment was a pretty cool person
  20. T1g

    i want to stream something but the internet is being pheo
  21. T1g

    For those people who were going to show up to the second showing of Mawaru Penguindrum, (i.e. Cirt), you would be doing us a huge favor if you watched up to episode 12 on your own. This way we dont need to start over again. There will be no Showing today, I will make another formal AnimeNight thread when the time comes
  22. T1g

    For people who dont know; we will be having an AnimeNight today at some point. Depends on when i get a hold of saha. Just stay in the #AnimeNight room and you will be fine
  23. T1g

    I added a poll to the Anime Night thread asking what day of the week you guys want to watch it on. It wont be today because i have new video games to play.