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Posts posted by ByarneisHOT

  1. CHAPTA4 UP!


    AN: UM K so dis s my farst fanfan n i jsut beet spirt trcacks adn so idecid to write a nu fanfc dat takes place betwn phtanom horcrass andsiprt ctraks!!!!!!!!!11111111111


    Sowit wuz like morn ande Terta wuz sleep so shee woak upe nd she sed "Boysure gud daye fro seilin" so she wok up Lank bcuz hewuz slapin and shesed "Wake up lINK WEMITE FIND SOEM NU LANDE TODAI!!!!1" AND LINKE WOKEUP SO HE WUZ SLYPY AND LIK SAID "BUT I JST WANTA SLEPE A LITTLE MORE"SO TEtris sed "OK 5 mor minuts"

    den, when terts nd linkopend dore ther wuz nyko standn outsd and he sed "hi tastra nd... myunderloon.... " and lkin wuz angr becuz he culdbeet up niku ez. dentersta sed "lest get 2 oure posts noww!!1" al pirtately. den, tegtarwas on day stik in da midl of da bote and she wuz on lokowt.

    den, link sed "OMGG ths so borng i hat beeng one a bote!!1111"

    and nyko sed "shute ti LINK"!

    denaftre lyke foreva tatr sew LAND IN DISTRANCE! and she wuz lik OMG LAND!and she sade "LINK LiNK! I SAW LAND!" and link almos fel off bote.

    "OMG i amlost fell off bote tatgtra!" sed link al serios.

    im soooo sory said tersa"

    "cum to the big sticke n da midl of da bote Link so u can sii!!!!1"

    solinkn came nd he saw da land and he wuz lyke "MOG!: and likn and tartemade oute becz they wuz so hapy. gnozzo sawe them from distrance an hewuz al jelzz like cuz hes a icecream truck driver a n lovs TeAStra. oklol les get offe bote! sed tetru! so the all prates got ofe bote alfastly and dey wer lie omg land.

    "iwonsder wut well discarver" sed da prtirate wiff glazz.

    Tertga sad io9no but dis is ons exitable time!! were like colbumbus! and likn laffed cuz clobmbus killes indianes.

    omg that\ was kewl so iwwil haev chapt2 in lyke notime so u don;t haev to worry ym fans! thanks! ---------!!!!!!1

    tanks so mush every1!


    solink walk done wit terta n da grassy an den suddenlyk dey see Anjenawalkin and links like "lol Angean y u not in weel chair" nad she said"bcuz im not old yet lol"

    so lik ask "wats dis place" and anjeean sed "this new hyrule but da spirits live hear"

    and den teyra ask "who r d spirts?"

    and anjrn had cripl look on faces and she sed "sprits rool tjhis land, girl"

    and telras like "o, so can we liv her? we toally wan to rul dis land"

    and anglean turnd away all deprezd like.

    and terwa sad "wats rong???" to wich anghen cryd: "if u want 2 live heer den u have 2 be rooled by da spirtis."

    after complenting wat she sed, tedra walzed up 2 link and wispred, "wat do u think??"

    and link saud ok i guess,its not lik we gon find more land wiffoute sailin mor and i hate sailin."

    "OK!" sed Yetra. "WELL DOit

    soAngleann led dem 2 da secret lokoomo vilgage. Anjernan had purpll herand it wuz long and flowin and she wuz reel prrety. Den, Link saw a guyplayin chelo it was Gage!!! den link said "o lol i no makarr like chelo2 lol." and dey all laffed. so anjeean got caut up in da moment andstart 2 play pan floot with Gaye. den linkpulle out his wind weiker andey gasp.

    "OMG da wind wake! were so honor!!" said gege.

    "I had no eyedeea!!1!" screemd angen in hororor.

    so dey went to seecrt undygroud templ an dey bow.

    den anjean sed "spirits! dis s dahero of winds! th wind waka!!!!1"

    and a mysterous misty aparat before dem..........................

    "link....... we kno u......"

    every1 gaped.

    den link took out his swodand swanged it aroond. "whoooooaaaa!" sed spirtz.

    "im HEROIN OF WIND AND I WANT TO LIVE HEAR" said link firmately

    dankts VERY1!!!!!!!

    thaks so much every1!!


    "Wee so honro!" sey da Spirtis.

    "No bige deel" sed link.

    hmmm we thank maybe you can setl dis land.... but u gota promis to tak caer of it an....... 1 mor than...." spirit sed

    "u must trevel to da forest n seve a littl okomo whu gots loost."

    den Anghen startde 3 crai. "Litl boy get last in wuuds!!" shee sed al sadd..........

    "O no1!" wheend Tsatra. "w gotste help!!!!"

    link nosdddded.

    link n tferta lef da templ an met wiff da prtates.

    "Wat tak so lang!! " sed Nyk.

    "We hav to reskyew some1!!!1 comeon! to da forst!!!!!!!!' yll Trate.

    so dey walkd 2 da forste an it wuz darc n skery. link wasnt scerd bcuzhes breiv n has da traiforc of currege. Niki wuz scerd butt al da othapisrates wer breaive n not scerd. ther wer speyedars evrywar n link had hs sward oot in ceise dat mansturs ceim an atake. den all a sudeon, dey herd scram!!!!!!!!!! it soonded lik kid, so dey ran twards sounde. de kid wuz hidin in a litl hole in da wal, and dere wuz a humangas spaidar dar. Linkatakeda speyedar but his sward bouncy of its tuff skan.

    "wat do wee dooo?!?!?!" sed link frstration.

    "hol on i haev ideea!!!!!1" yel tetris.

    tetris ran fastly to behin speyedr n get its atentin by train 2 stab wiff daga. den link jump on spaidar n stabe da eye. blainded, da spaidar ran away to da woods. den, boy cam out of hole n said "thanks!"

    taerta sed "np wats ur name?"

    and boy sed "Byrene"


    "Ohwat a purty name" sed prtate wiff saidburrns.

    "well ur seif now lol" sed thretra.

    dey left da forast n wen bak 2 lokmu vilag wiff BIRNE. DEN TYEY WEN 2 ANGLEAN N SHE WUZ HAPPILY..





    SO WE WEN BAK 2 PRates n i sed "OK guis!! we gots2 go 2 islnds n get paple 2 mov hear!!!!"

    den gronzo sed "werre t2 go farst he?"

    and i told "idk wat u tink LINK?"

    den link sed "iono.... maybe we cun go 2 waindfell aisle."

    and trfstra sed "gud iddeeea, ders lotsa pppl der"

    an link sed "no kidin lollllll"

    so dey wen back 2 beech n got n bote n seil 2 da wata. it wuz beeotifull dei n seegoollz wuz flaying like summareen so link den saw DOLLFIN!!!! and link wuz liek "wooo" n terftra sed "lol u stooped liink."

    IT us liek forva in da bote but afta liek 93 mont dey got 2 wandfell tisle1!!!!""

    "awneone"!!!!!!!!! sed tara!!!!

    n dey went 2 buy suploons n wankfallisle....... OOK so prats went 2 bui da supllees whale link n tatre wen 2 sey hi to ppl. fars wez kids and dey were liek oh hi were in hiskool an smoke link lafffed bcuz his soot wuz green. den da eskimoo n he sed ohi. an den dey wen an invit all vilgranes 2 the midl o towne n tarte had big spech.

    "we foun nu LAND!!! she sed "lotsa roopees der!! you can b welfy!!!!!!!!!!"

    and peppl got excit n got n bote 2 go 2 lan. den as dey wen 2 port, lin sawe family persn.

    it wuz.................................................... LAINBACK!!!

    CHAPTA5!!! Lainbak neds halp

    "Linbek!!!!!!!!" yel link

    "OMG Link!!!!" sed linabak

    dey haged. tertra wuz jels becuz lik haged linbek, bt sh eignoord.

    "wat u wan lingbwak?" sed tratra.

    "I ned halp plz" sed lnback.

    "wit wut? sed laink............

    ."I wunt u 2 come wiff me n rescuy ma aisle wiff me fammmly

    "link gapse"

    we gots go!!!!! sd link

    so den lkik got on linaebak's bote n tertr n da pretrates got da peepl n they wuld go 2 find mor pepl wile link n linbreak wuz gon.

    "DIZZIT!!!!" creemd lainbak!!

    "YAA!!!!!!!!!" link sed haplisly.

    and dey seil 2 lanbackk aisle.

    linkn wuz hupy 2 aidventrue agen wit lnbek. iut wuz fune 2 drawe pathhhe n hizz DS n seil da bote n bobe fishs. den lkni pulout tabla n drew dingy nit 2 wurp somwere n dey wuz closar 2 lnincebk iasle. den dey kill octopi m get 2 islse fasta. lol

    wen dey got offe bote n den liansbak sed dis my famly n then wuz girly priate frm phrnatom horbglass wit babbi. an my sun LAINBACK II!!!! and link wuz happ fore em. n dend liknn wu zlike :"wydu bring mehere?""

    "oh ummmmm derefd mostear lair in caev. and lkik pulout sward ands sed LET ME HANDLE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    link ran 2 crave n darnkeds 2 fite masntreas.