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Posts posted by Hustle_Bedrock

  1. @Silves

    Mayne u makin me laugh so dayum hard bruh :lol:

    An dese emotes r pretty damn fresh

    I normally don't like ebonics, but this guy is typing it so fluently. I'm having a lot of fun trying to figure it out. Like a riddle!!

    lol solve away homie

  2. Also, Jareddude, I like that you just assume this guy's black.

    Where did he state he was before you posted?


    I think this dude's pretty awesome so far. :D

    Yea bruh! :)

    Uh, well...just the way he talks.


    Anyway, sorry if I offended you in any way. I mean, look at your avatar! XD

    Nah mayne its straight, don worry bout it.

  3. I don know wat to say about all dat, but a hata is a hata. U aint gotta pay attention to shit like dat, let it roll over.

  4. Um. hello. If you haven't noticed though, we all arn't black XD

    Nice to meet you! :glomp:

    Its straight, I dont care wether u black white mexican whatever, bruh. We all in dis site together, right?

    Okay, I think I have the translation:

    What is up, my friends. I'm really am enjoying this website, from the southern United States of America. Your mother eats ejaculate. I'm here with fellow Zelda fans. How are you all?

    Yea u no wat it is lol

    Nice 2 meet yall 2 btw

  5. Animals have gotta have dey rights too, I guess, but like you can't take it too damn far, u know wat I mean? Like if u got a nigga needin yo help r u gonna help him or the dog next to him? Animals gotta be treated right, bruh, but dey needs can't come too far ahead of the homie next to u.

  6. Gurl I feel wat ur sayin, but u gotta look the part, u know wat I'm sayin? I saw yo personal pic and u look good, all u gotta do is lose dat weight u talkin bout. I know u can do it.

  7. Wat up niggas, I be rockin dis site from the hot streets of the down south, hustlin up yo hoes up in their mouths, I be chillin up in here wit my Zelda playas. How yall be?