Another 'Arbiter's Grounds' theory

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--------Well, when you think about it, in TP the only way to get to the Gerudo Desert from Hyrule is by a cannon. The only other way would be by cliff. So how would they take prisoners? And why is it so intricate? Well, that got me thinking. As much as people would like think, oh it has to be a prison because of all the cells and stuff. Well, WHAT if it was a monster gate controlled by the Gerudos. Considering the Mirror of Twilight (or Light-whatever) was at the top the ruins and that a giant monster was stored in the bottom and then transformed over to a skeleton, that would only make since. Plus there are special Poes that you would never see anywhere else except for the place with the crature that was basically a sword demon. Don't forget that Stallord was protected by a lock-because he was powerful. Saying this raises the question about the Twilight World. If Zant came from this world and this theory was correct, then what else could be there? Also, the sages guarded and banished beasts to the Twilight World. That could either mean that some were to powerful to keep there (e.g. Gannondorf when he got caught) or that the sages ran out of room, therefore causing the destruction of the Arbiter's Grounds. If you believe this theory, copy and paste this thing in your signature.

---Proud Supporter Of The Arbiter's Grounds Theory---

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Posted (edited)



Please. :(...

Just please...

What is this even about?

If you don't give me a clear explanation and some proof, I'm probably going to lock it.

Also, you shouldn't call this "The Arbiter's Grounds Theory", because it's both not much of a theory, and one of many theories about the grounds.

There's not just one theory.

Incidentally, it's a bit odd to put a support statement in your sig about something you made...


Edited by Sahaqiel (see edit history)

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Mayber it's just because I'm tired, but that made no sense at all to me.

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No, I'm pretty alert right now, and I can't make much out of it either.


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Perhaps the Twilight realm could be sort of a opposite of the Gerudo Desert? such as in Greek Mythology, Hades has his temple built opposite to Mount Olympus?

yes, also, i'm not making much sense of it either >.<

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I think I'll lock this.

Hey, when you get back, please PM me to clarify wtf you're trying to say.


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He mumbling, while trying to come up with a theory worthy of our!!! NOT WORTHY! NOT WORTHY! NOW WORTHY!


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Oh, forgot to lock it.

Also, Rokai, you're being more vague than the threadmaker.

Wtf are you trying to communicate?


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I understood... Some of it.

Also, kekkekekekke not locking it.

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