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Time Warp

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Chapter Zero: September 24th 1982

The sky darkened as the cool air settled. The fall leaves skitted across the cold steps of St. Patricks Orphanage as a small wicker basket was placed upon them. A hooded figure placed it's hand lovingly on the sleeping baby within, rapped hard on the door then left.

Hearing the noise, a young nun opened the door and found the bundle of joy, an envelope pinned to the swaddling blanket.

"This is Erik, my loving baby boy I cannot care for him please protect him and keep him safe." along with the note was a small hourglass charm attached to a chain. The nun looked at young Erik and smiled as he did the same to her, she picked up the basket and brought him inside.

A block away the hooded figure sighed and vanished, a sparking patch of dust the only evidence.

August 15th 1992

The boy was now named Erik Dawson, adopted by a loving couple from Barstow he had become a member of their family. On a day trip to the local carnival a chance encounter changed his life.

"Erik relax!" Stephanie his mother had said. "Yeah champ, the dunk tank isn't going anywhere!" James his father said. "But Mr. Colbert's gonna be dunked!" Erik said impatient. "Should we be concerned that our boy wants to dunk his Principle?" Stephanie asked. "You kidding, I woulda been glad to dunk my Principle when I was his age." James said. Erik looked impatiently at his swatch, "I'm gonna miss it!" Erik said. "OK go." his mom said. "But stay there, we'll find you after getting the tickets." His father said shooing him away.

Erik walked towards the dunk booth and was stopped by a woman, she smelled of cigarettes and coffee and when she smiled her yellow teeth gleamed like a caution light. "Hey kid, you want your palm read?" she asked. "No thanks I gotta go." he said sidestepping her. "Nonsense, everyone wants to know the future." she said blowing out a ring of smoke. "Step into the world of Madam Sonja, seer of the future."

Erik reluctantly walked in and sat down opposite her. "Place your hands on the table palms up please." she said in a blatantly halfassed way. "OK." Erik said slightly frightened. "Sonja will now read the mysteries of what's to come." Sonja traced the lines of his palms with her Tobacco stained fingertips. "That's odd!" she said, her voice actually sounding sincere. "What's wrong?" Erik asked concerned. "Your lifeline, i've never seen anything like this." she said. "Why what's wrong?" he asked. "It's indescribable really, hold on I'm gonna do a Tarot read." she said grabbing a deck. "I gotta go." Erik said running out. "Wait!" she shouted placing his cards down. "King of cups, Prince of Penticles, and the Wheel of time! That can't be right!" she said looking in disbelief at the cards laid out before her.

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