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G20 Riots - The footage the mass media won't show you

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Posted (edited)

In the videos here, we get an idea of what the federalized and militarized police in Pittsburgh really think of the First Amendment. The victims shown below are not government provocateurs or anarchists, but middle class students.

This is what democracy a police state looks like. Click here to watch.

It's certainly nowhere as violent as RNC police I've seen though... There were lots of attacks on innocent bystanders by those cops.

Edited by Du5t1n (see edit history)

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THOSE cavernS!

those honestly, I wish the videos would show why the hell the cops were there in the first place. I want to hear the cops side of the story.

they're still caverns, though.

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Geeze leweeze... that's really crazy. I mean, tear-gassing people who were watching?

And Obama just brushed off the report about protesters outside...

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Oka, on one hand, this looks bad. But

1) The police are doing a job. They are following orders, and doing exactly what they are supposed to.

2) This never would have happened if the protestors had not illegally blocked a public roadway, then refused to disperse. You're first amendment rights only extend so far, you cannot infringe on anyone else's right. i.e.: the right to free trade and travel. You can also not trespass I.E: Blocking a public roadway is trespass on government property.

Standing orders for the police are as follows: Disperse crowd from roadway, if they refuse, use reasonable and non-lethal force to remove them. Mob mentality sets in when a crowd gets like this. The people in the street become a serious threat. This video only shows a small portion of what is happening and what could happen. It doesn't matter if they wrere middle class students, they were breaking the law, and refused a legal order. At that point, they became criminals. If you want to protest in the streets, or celebrate, or have any sort of public affair that blocks usage, it must be cleared through the city and police department.

Also, when the police give you a warning like "This has been declared an unlawful demonstration, all those gathered, please disperse or face arrest or other police action", it doesn't matter who you are, you GTFO or suffer the consequences. They didn't fire tear gas at you because of your message, they fired it at you because you weren't smart enough to realize that you are breaking the law. These people are following orders an trying to uphold the law and keep their city and area safe. Many riots start of as peaceful protests or celebrations and end up with half a city destroyed, people injured, stores looted, and mobs rampaging. I'll take tear gas and pepper spray over having my city torn up any day.

Oh, and never throw a police tear gas canister back at them, that guy was lucky he didn't get bean bagged and arrested.

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Does anyone else see the ridiculous right-wing advertisements that span like, the whole page?

Thought so.


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