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Saddam Hussein - death sentence, followers, etc.!

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We all should know Saddam Hussein was hanged... Oh, around two weeks ago? (Two weeks and two days, actually, according to the article that I am about to post.) Well, now his two top aides were hanged today. Here is the article that talks about Saddam's half brother being hanged.

I also heard people saying that he didn't get a fair trial. Doesn't matter, he got what he deserved. He killed all those people, they were innocent victims of death. Some of them were beloved family members with children, who will never get to see their parent(s) again. That's not right... Is it? No, it's not.

I say good riddance. They talked about him on the news for days, soon after he was hanged. Non-stop! It drove me into insanity, really. Now that he's gone, the news only talks about his closest followers, who are likely to have the same fate. Tsk!

Tell me... Do you think he got a fair trial?

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Do I think he got a fair trial? Hell no.

Did he get what he deserved? No.

There is no denying he did some horrible things, but I wouldnt wish the death penatly upon any human. I would have put him in prison for life.

I think the entire trial / execution was just plain stupid. For instance, why was it in an American trial with an Iraqi execution? I think hanging has got to be one of the most brutal forms of the death sentance, though that is how they do it in Iraq.

But one thing that really bugs me about the execution - you all heard about the guy who snuck in a mobile phone to capture a video of saddam being hung? Well, this guy has been caught & arrested for what he did. BUT there was also an iraqi movie maker (and a hater of Saddam) filming the execution with (big and obvious) professional equipment, and this other guy doesnt get in trouble? Why?

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Hey, what goes around comes around, ZuZu. Besides, he could/would be a danger to himself and others if he were to get life in prison. No, I didn't know about the guy who tried to record the hanging. Maybe they thought it was a bad idea? Maybe they didn't want it? Meh, we'll never know...

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It was still a Brutal Death. . .

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People can be so stupid. They publicly murdered him for revenge, not because they believed it was the best thing to do. No one has the right to kill anyone else. It's depressing to know that people can be so heartless.

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Totally agreed.

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Yeah, I agree, they should have tortured him, not kill him... death isn't all that painful.. and even when it is, it's only for a few seconds. Torture on the other hand, is much more painful and it lasts for a bit more than a few seconds. And about the question, I don't think he got a fair trial, and I don't think he got what he deserved. As I said before, he should have been tortured. And I totally agree with BoomByeBye. No-one has the right to kill anyone else. However, BBB failed to mention that no-one has the right to TORTURE anyone else. ^_^

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There is absolutely no way that he recieved a fair trial.

The whole thing was pointless. We all knew what he was going to get, even after he was captured.

It was entirely stupid. He may have done some horrible things, but there is this big misconception that he had dome more, and much worse, things than he actually did.

Also, there was no evidence in his favour, and everyone was against him, he didn't have a leg to stand on.

I do not condone the death sentence, but he should have recieved a fair punishment.

Also Captain Jack Sparrow, you have no idea just what it means to be tortured, so please don't speak opinions of things that you have no idea about, sorry if that sounded condescending. It was supposed to sound factual.

I have no idea either about what it is to be turtured so I can't talk really,

but the point is he did not recieve a fair trial.

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the whole thing makes me sick.. a hanging as his punishment??? did anyone see the video? they even put a cloth around his neck to prevent the rope from burning... if you ask me.... they should have pulled a stunt outta a saw movie or something.. cause in my opinion justice was not served.

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it was a show trial, you can't possibly expect it to be fair.

when it comes to there a just, appropriate punishment for mass murder? some say life in prison, some say death sentence, some say torture, but none of those things are going to undo what has been done.

I think he suspended all claims to fair treatment when he ordered hundreds of people slaughtered. but it wasn't against the law in iraq at the time, was it? not when saddam was the law. so his followers, what were they supposed to do? follow along or object and likely be killed themselves?

it's all grey area

and I think it's obscene that people publish video of people being killed on the internet. and that they played it on the news.

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You cant teach people not to kill people by killing the people who killed people

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In other words. . .

"We kill people

who kill people

to show that killing is wrong"

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