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Site Update - News Feed, Chat, Downtime

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As many of you have probably noticed, we have two new features on the site:

First the News Feed which is on the upper right of the front page of the news. This feed shows the latest Zelda news according to, a social bookmarking website. This should allow us to see all kinds of Zelda news, both small and big. This is a small supplement to our normal news.

Secondly, we are reviving The Zelda Chat Network. For normal users, this means that we now have an [url=""]awesome chat room[/url]. For webmasters, you will be able to add a chat to your website that allows your visitors to chat in your site with the members of visitors on our site and any other sites that load the code. It will be transparent to your users that not everyone in the chat is from your site. This allows chatrooms to work more effectively. Normally, people don't like website chatrooms since they tend to be empty. This will allow the chat to almost always have people on it. The more people that load the code, the more people who will be chatting! We will also be adding the ability for webmasters to select which color scheme they want it to load. The automated system for this setup isn't ready yet, but if you are a webmaster and would like to add this chatroom, just contact us and we will send you the code for it.

We had a bit of downtime this morning as the feed was down and that caused the front page to not display. This problem has been corrected however so the feed going down won't impact the site's availability.

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rofl i just had a long conversation witha computer they did a very good job with it, but he is kind of annoying at some points. other then that it is very good. THis chat room thing is pretty cool finally i get to talk to some1 who likes zelda games :D

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