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The Legend of Zelda: Shattered Dimensions

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Long ago a boy set out on a quest to save his homeland from an evil beyond measure.

Climbing the highest peaks, swimming the deepest rivers, trekking into the darkest woods and even across time itself the boy finally defeated the evil.

Thirsty for adventure and a desire to reunite with a lost friend the boy left the land that bore him and set out to make his mark on a bigger world.

After foiling an ancient evil's diabolical plot the boy continued his journey, meeting new allies and making new enemies.

But all the while his thought remained with a girl.

Chapter One: An easy 500 Rupees

In a small clearing bordered on all sides by thick forest, a lone figure sat with eyes firmly transfixed on the roasting Cucco hovering over a roaring fire.

As the mab sat motionless, a creature half in shadow approached. He stunk of mud and rotten vegetables and his appearance recalled the look of a bipedal swine with moddled green skin.

Bursting from the thicked the creature, simply called Moblin slashed at the man with a cracked and rusty blade sending his head rolling across the cool brown Earth.

A look of confusion passed the beasts face as a thick tuft of hay erupted from the neck stump.

"I new it Link, pay up!" a voice chuckled from afar.

A pair of Warriors emerged from the darkened wood, a young man in his early 20's, with clothes as green as spring grass and hair like spun gold. His companion was slightly younger wearing a similar wardrobe in a blue hue with hair the color of flame.

"I told you it was a Moblin!" the Flame haired boy said.

"It seems you were correct Isaac, perhaps we can discuss this later." Link said drawing his sword.

"Later...why? We kill this freak, collect the reward from the grateful people of Leeds, then kick back at the local Tavern. I mean it's an easy 500 Rupees!"

"If only that were true." Link said

"Why, what's wrong?" Isaac asked.

"We have slightly more company then previously thought, that's why."

Isaac turned his head peering into the darkness as a dozen or so little red points of light suddenly turned on.

"Those are eyes aren't they?" Isaac asked.

"Yes...yes they are." Link responded.

"It can never be easy, can it?" Isaac asked.

"I'm afraid not."

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