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Inception discussion

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So, I've seen Inception twice now, and really like it! I made this thread so other people can talk about opinions, theories, questions, etc. regarding the movie.

To start things off, what did everyone think about the ending?

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I think he was dreaming all along, and it calls into question whether or not his wife and kids were projections the whole time. It is a little difficult to prove though, as his top fell down a couple times prior.

Nabe thinks it calls into question whether or not he and the old business man ever came back up from where they were. I don't know.

I think it is silly that people have been seeing it multiple times to try and figure it out.

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Yeah, the movie never explains if he had kids before he performed inception on his wife, so I can't help but think that those kids are just projections. I don't think he's stuck in limbo, though, since he woke up on the plane, meaning he must have gone backwards out of limbo since you can't go any deeper once you've hit limbo.

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I admit I didn't catch all the movie, and I did think it was a really amazingly interesting concept with a lot of small details to give it depth (totems, kicks, etc.) but I am pretty sure pretty much everything happened, he got home, and he was in reality.

That's exactly what it looked like.


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i did not get inception but im going to watch it again

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I loved the concept of it all and the detail they put into the plot/settings. (loved the limbo buildings)

My only frustration though was how they even suggested there was a possibility that all of it wasn't real at the end. Like, I want to believe that he made it back to reality. BUT THEY PLANTED THE SEED. THEY PLANTED THE SEED OF THE IDEA.


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If you've ever spun a top, you are acquainted with the sound of it slowing down and wobbling. It was making that sound, and also wobbling. If it were in a dream state, then not only would the totem not wobble in the slightest, he would have known he was dreaming, being the pro extractor he is and all. Not only that, in the dream state he is never able to see his children's faces, because they always run before he gets to them unless prompted by his wife. It just blacked out at the end for dramatic effect, and to mess with you I guess.

swerr guys


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The whole movie, I was trying to guess the ending. Halfway through the movie, I decided that the whole thing was a dream of the old asian guy's, because it never showed how they got into the scene directly after that, which was a main theme in that movie. I guess I was half right, or so. I've been half right when I've been trying to guess stuff lately.

One thing I didn't understand about the asian guy being in limbo though, was that, why didn't he build? He was in Limbo. He built a rather nice building for himself, but that was it. Come on asian guy, whats your probleeeeem.

It also makes me wonder what would have happened if two people in limbo hated each other, and were trying to kill each other. First of all, would that be an epic battle of imagination versus imagination, or what?

Also, I thought the fight in constantly flipping gravity was awesome, especially when the guy is running down the stairs from the shooter, only to come to the top of the stairs and kill him, because paradoxes are lol. I can't decide which was cooler, the paradox fights or the random gravity fights. That would make a good video game concept, imo.

On that note, I thought the part where the guy strapped everyone together in zero g was hilarious.

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Also, I thought the fight in constantly flipping gravity was awesome, especially when the guy is running down the stairs from the shooter, only to come to the top of the stairs and kill him, because paradoxes are lol. I can't decide which was cooler, the paradox fights or the random gravity fights. That would make a good video game concept, imo.

On that note, I thought the part where the guy strapped everyone together in zero g was hilarious.

ffff he was by far my favorite side character. Like, I was dying inside trying not to laugh every time they went back to slowmo-carfalling scene. He looked so happy. :>

And sooo much badass he is. When the others were wasting time or like just. kind of failing, I kept thinking "COME ON. LOOK AT HOW HARD HE'S TRYING FOR YOU GUYS."

I was a little disappointed in the architect girl though. I feel like they did so much to set up how amazing her skills were, but then they didn't really show it off to it's full potential? Like, after they started dreaming, the levels didn't have anything particularly amazing. (aside from stair paradox but that was about it) and limbo was cool, but she didn't even design that one. Don't get me wrong, I'm glad she wasn't a love interest. I just don't think she lived up to her buildup because Mao(or however her name's spelt) stole all her thunder.

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"Quick they are catching on to us. Kiss me."

*they kiss*

"Oh well, it was worth a shot"

i lol'd

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For the hotel gravity fight, they made a rotating hallway and spun it.

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i like how a shift and gravity turns the hallway into a 6 story drop to your demise

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One of the things I was thinking about during the movie was how much money they poured into it.

Like holy gosh.

All these automatic weapons and snowmobile vehicles and rotating hallways.

I felt that the female character was a complete dick, though. She didn't have a whole lot of personality, she was blatantly prying deep into someone's darkest secrets just for kicks and giggles, not even to really understand, because she'd already seen the magnitude of the guy's problems. She disobeyed the best extractor in the world's advice then blamed him for it, accusing him of having mental problems without even seeing any proof of him having mental problems yet, just because his subconscious attacked her right after he explained exactly why she shouldn't mess with things too much on risk that subconscious would attack her. She straight up shot the guy's wife without much of a second thought.

Also, I realized one thing during the movie. When Cobb asks dickgirl if there's a shortcut through the maze, he doesn't even really need to know it, but the girl, instead of relaying the information to everyone else, and by everyone else, I mean everyone who can know because they don't have crazy wives in their heads with names that resemble the word "maul", says it out loud to the guy whose crazy maul lady can get in the same way.

like really

The only problems I really had with that movie:

1) Bullets miss everything except for glass, make sparks like they're made if dreamflint

2) NPC's are kinda' stupid

3) That girl be trippin'

Also yeah, the dude stacking folks in zero-G was pretty funny.


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Yeah, i dont think grenades cause giant flaming explosives by themselves, i thought they were more shrapnely, non firey, explosions.

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So, apparently someone interviewed the guy in charge of costumes, and he pointed out that the kids at the end of the movie are wearing different outfits from the ones they wear at any other point. I guess this means that he was awake at the end since the kids were dressed different from the projections, right?

The interview is at Filmdrunk, by the way.

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