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The Twilight Outcast prolouge and chapter1

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This is my first attempt at writing,so please be nice.

Here it is,the long-awaited to the few people who knew about it fanfic,The Twilight Outcast,prolouge and chapter1.


William Norway hung over a ledge jutting out from the main land in what looked to be a cave,and outside he could see a lake.In front of him were seven people,all of them with black and white skin and blue symbols on their arms,legs,and long ears.They all had orange hair and a fang coming out from their upper lips.Will kept having stories of vampires rushing into his mind from the deepest parts of his memory.There were five of them standing in a half-circle around the other two,a man and a girl.The girl looked to be begging the man not to do something.The man raised his arm.Feeding time.Right when Will thought that he would have puncture marks on his neck,he turned around,then he saw a blinding light and a scorching heat that---

Will woke up in his bed.It was that dream again.He had that dream every night.He looked at his clock.The alarm was about to go off.He turned off the alarm,got up,and went into the living room.After getting ready for school,he went out the door to head off for the bus stop."Why do I keep on having that dream,"he thought."It can't mean something.It is just a dream,after all."When he got to the bus stop,he could see the bus's orange and red lights reflecting off of the windows and dancing on the houses like fire.When the bus came,he braced himself for another long and boring day at school.

After several hours at school,Will was glad to be home.He opened the door to see his little brother,John,holding two plastic swords.Will knew what this meant.He took one of the swords in his left hand and unsheathed it.John did the same.Will took his fighting stance,facing John sideways,with his sword an inch away from his leg,and his off-hand at his side,supposively there to do nothing.The classic pirate stance,as John had called it.Truth was,though,that Will took that stance to have a good defence,not to look like a pirate.Will started by instantly sidestepping John's attack before he even swung at Will.This confused John,and he swung were Will used to be,just as Will had planned.Will had John were he wanted him.Will then grabbed John's wrist and wrestled his sword from his hand and pointed them both at John.Will had won.After that,Will went into the bathroom and washed his face.It got covered in dirt today at football practice.He washed all the dirt off and looked in the mirror.His black hair had always hung down over his brown eyes,and his long ears,which some of people laugh at,always stuck out through his hair.Meanwhile,John was walking around the living room thinking about all of that ridiculous toy sword fighting that didn't even seem to matter anymore these days,when he heard someone knock on the door.He opened the door to see a strange girl with black and white skin,orange hair,eyes,robes with cyan-blue symbols on them,long ears with the blue symbols,and,most importantly through John's eyes,the one fang sticking out from her upper lip."Will!!Someone wants to talk to you,"he yelled,obviously not wanting to have this girl bitting his neck.Will came into the living room to see the odd girl standing there.She looked strange,but Will thought she was kind of cute.Her bright orange eyes sparkled like a jewel,and Will couldn't stop staring at them,but he snapped out of it.She smiled and said "Hi.You must be William Norway.I'm Atreyu.I'm pleased to meet you."Considering that she was wearing fancy robes,Will wasn't supprised at how formal she was when she used his full name.They went outside and Atreyu cut the act out and said "Alright,Adder.Let's get out of here."Will looked puzzled."Uhh,"he said,"Who's Adder?Are you using Bluetooth or something?"Atreyu looked at him and smiled."I know you haven't really lost your memory.You have to remember what happened at Lake Hylia."Will still looked confused."When Lanayru hit you with all out that light energy?"Will thought for a moment."Light" seemed to ring a bell in his head."Nuhh....sorta,"he replied,kind of confused,but catching on to what he was saying."I've had dreams almost every night were there were seven people in a cave,and I was hanging over a ledge,then I turned around and saw a blinding light and felt the most blazing heat in my entire life,which seems to get worse every time I have the dream.I guess our answer to all of this would be at Lake Hylia.Let's go."Atreyu agreed and they headed off.They went through Hylia city for about two hours until they were outside."So,"Atreyu said,"How do we get down?"Atreyu climbed up on the bridge of Lanayru's stone railing and looked down."No,"Will said,"That's crazy.There's some stairs that go down to the lake.You said that Lanayru got you up here?""Yeah,"she replied,"She told me to find you and bring me to her."With that,they both headed for the stairs.Atreyu kept on looking at Adder like he was some kind of freak.Compared to what he once was,he must have been.They stepped down to Lake Hylia.It was a beautiful sight.The water sparkled with beauty,and the Zora,the fish-people of Hyrule County,swam around and added to the beauty.This distracted Will and Atreyu.Will shook his head and said "Let's get to that cave."They made it to the entrance of Lanayru's Cave.Will couldn't believe his eyes.It looked exactly the same as it did in his dreams.They both stepped onto the ledge.Golden symbols suddenly filled the walls,the water became a golden sight of beauty to behold,then a golden orb came up from the water,then the image of a golden snake slowly appeared.The snake held the orb in it's mouth,which made it's fangs shine brightly,making Lanayru both a sight of beauty and intimidation."We meet again,"the light spirit said,talking to both of the children."Adder...I apologize for what I did to you...I could not control myself."Will could say nothing.He was dumbstruck."I cannot restore your memory...You are a being of not darkness...That is only something that I can destroy,not create."Will stepped down and said to Atreyu "You're up."Atreyu stepped forward and was in the middle of the ledge."O Twilight Princess...You have gone at a great risk to help Adder...For this,I grant you access to yur home.You may return now."A golden circle appeared.After a few seconds,the gold outlined the image of a devastated,yet beautiful,floating landscape with a golden sky and black clouds."That's were I was born?"Will thought."Cool."

That's the end of the prolouge.I'm going to take a break for now.Chapter1 is about 11 pages long,and this was 3 pages,so it'll take me awhile to type it.In the meantime,post some comments.I hope this prolouge was good.I will edit this post later and add in Chapter 1:Adder's Forgotten Past.

Chapter1:Adder's Forgotten Past


Will and Atreyu both stumbled through the portal."Atreyu,"Will said,"what exactly 'is' all this?"Atreyu thought of a way to explain it."Well,thousands of years ago,it was an age of peace in Hyrule,then some people used dark magic to take over Hyrule.The four Light Spirits,Ordona,Faron,Eldin,and Lanayru were sent to hunt these people down.The people were banished to the Twilight,and became the Twili.The only link to the Light Realm we had was the Mirror of Twilight,but it existed in the Light Realm,and had to be used by humans.We could only exist in that world as shadows,but that was until another Twili,Midna,was hit by light energy,like you were.She was healed,but the light still remained.It was passed on through all of the Twili you see now.After the Mirror of Twilight was destroyed,some of us tried to deny it.They tried using magic to get in,and it worked.That's how you could get hit by the light energy,and how I could find you."Will wasn't satisfied yet.He wanted to know how he turned into a human,but it didn't do anything to Midna."Makes sense,"he said,"but how did it make me a human?""I think that sliver of light in you grew and dominated the darkness,but you're not a human.There is a sliver of darkness left in you,like the light used to be."Will understood.It was reversed."I have to get to the palace,"Atreyu said."Wait,"Will yelled."Twilight Princess?"Atreyu smiled."I'll explain later.Just keep a good profile.'Bye"Will waved her good-bye and turned around to see a half-blind man holding a sword."It seems that the princess is bringing humans in here.,"the man said."Defend yourself,human."Will smiled.This was just like his fight with John,only deadlier.the man charged.Will sidestepped,grabbed the man's wrist,took his sword,and told him to run.The man dropped the sword's scabbard and ran.Will fastened the scabbard around his back and sheathed his sword.Will couldn't help but wonder if that was some kind of joke.It couldn't have really been that easy.Will decided it was good that he was still breathing and walked around to get used to this place.He came across a graveyard and decided to walk through it and see if he could find Midna's tombstone.He kept on walking and spotted it.It read "Queen Midna."The date was unreadable.Very interesting.Midna was a part of the Royal Family.It made him wonder why Atreyu didn't tell him.He kept walking,and,judging from all of the tombstones that had "Queen"or"King"on them,Midna had indeed lived thousands of years ago.The list of kings and queens kept in going,and he kept on walking until he spotted a crowd of about twenty-one people standing around the last one."Oh,a human!Just great.We lost our Queen,and now humans are infesting our homeland,"a person called out,pointing at Will.Will sighed.Everyone hated him because he looked like a human."What are you looking at?"he asked.They all stepped out of his way so that he could see.It read "Queen Silia,1972-2002."The name sounded so familiar."Queen Silia..."he said."Queen...Sili----"he passed out on the spot.

Adder was walking around in the palace.He suddenly heard a scream coming from the direction of the throne room.He ran as fast as he could,and pretty much busted into the throne room.He saw Silia on the floor.He ran over to her to check and see if she was breathing,and there was a scorch mark on her throat!He darted back.His Queen was dead.He yelled for the guards and ran through the palace and started banging on the stone doors,which sent an excrutiating pain through his hand and up his arm.Half of him was scared about the body.The other half was scared about how Atreyu would take it.He stopped.The guards might blame it on him.He could be blamed for killing Silia.There was no doubt the guards heard the scream as well,Adder only made it there first because the throne room was right down the hall from him.While Adder was thinking about what would happen to him,two guards,Leaf and Rael,were looking at Silia's body."Uhh,"Leaf said,"heartburn,maybe?"Rael looked at the idiot angrily."Explain this,Leaf,"he said."If her heart was burning,how does her throat have a scorch mark?Wouldn't her throat be burning?"The throne room suddenly filled with people,everyone but Adder.Atreyu pushed through the crowd and screamed at the sight of her dead mother.Adder was all the way at the door leading to the outside balcony and still heard that scream.All Adder could think about was what he had done.He thought it was his fault Silia was dead,and that he could have done something.All he felt was guilt.

Adder sits in a room with Atreyu,thinking of something to say."She was a great ruler,Atreyu.I'm sure you will be just as great."Atreyu glared at him."Adder,"she said,"you're just spitting what they said at the funeral back at me.I want to know what you know.You found the body.Wasn't there any evidence of a murder on it?"Adder sighed.It was obviously something he would rather not talk about.Silia was the only one who would take him when his parents were killed.Adder had loved Silia as if she were his real mother.Now Atreyu was an orphan as well.Her father died before she was born,and now her mother was dead."The only evidence I found was a scorch mark on her throat."Atreyu's expression got even worse."Well,"she said,"now I've got an unsolved murder on my hands,I have to rule the Twilight at an early age,and I have to trust those sages to help me make the decisions that will shape the future of the Twili."Adder put his hand on her back."I don't trust that Sage of Balance,"Adder said,"He's tried to manipulate me my whole life.He even told me that 'he' found me,not your mother.I think he's up to something."She smiled."Don't worry,Adder.If he tries anything,the guards will deal with him."She got up and left.Adder didn't follow her.He needed time to think.That sage was going to do alot to him now.Those other sages 'have' to know what he says.Then again,Adder's never heard the other sages talk.Only the Sage of Balance.Adder decided that some training with Rael would help.He went down the hall and heard a voice."Princess,he must have done it.How else could he have been at her body?"Adder knew that manipulant voice all too well.It was the Sage of Balance."Well,yeah,"Atreyu replied,"but how could he do that?He doesn't know any---""He could very well know magic,"the Sage retorted."You never know.You'll find that he's at the door right now,spying on you,planning his next move."Adder zipped on out of there before Balance finished the sentence.He needed to find Rael and train.Not to get things off of his mind,but to be ready.Adder looked all over for Rael,but found Leaf instead."Hey,Leaf,"he said."Were's Rael?"Leaf sighed."He resigned.He said he failed in his duty to protect Silia."This wasn't good.Rael had always taught Adder how to use a sword."This may save your life someday"was what he would always say.There were a few times when Rael had nothing to teach him,but most of the time there was always something to learn.Adder preferred swordplay over magic,as he had little patience for the ancient arts.Atreyu,however,was another story.She probably never picked up a sword in her entire life,and more than likely considered her books the most powerful weapons in the world.There were few books that Atreyu could actually get Adder interested in,but she didn't even need to try to get Adder to like the books about the Legendary Hero.Ocarina of Time,Majora's Mask,Link to the Past,The Legend of Zelda,Adventure of Link,and Twilight Princess,the book that referred to Adder's home.Some people say these books are based off of real events,but the only proof that Adder could find were all of the historical accounts about Midna and her tombstone,but the evidence that made Adder more curious than all the rest were the Fused Shadow.One of the Fused Shadow,the base for the other three,is broken,like in the end of Twilight Princess.Atreyu spends a third of her time trying to fix it.She says that without it,the other three are more trouble than their worth.Adder decided to find Rael.He went out to the balcony,were the giant Twilight birds could be seen.Adder pulled out an object that looked like black wings with a string running through it.The wings had holes in them,through which a tune could be played.Adder blew into it,playing a tune that reminded Adder of birds gloriously sailing through the sky,in a peaceful elegance.One of the birds broke off from the others and flew over to Adder and perched on the railing.It was Kilo,Adder's bird.Were a face would be on a light realm bird,the Twilight bird's face looked to have been blown-up from the inside.Inside that 'face' were red symbols.The birds of Twilight always made sort of a PHURZZ noise when it flew.When it dies,it's shriek sends a dead silence into your soul.Adder inspected Kilo.He had a claw missing on his foot,which always set him apart from the other birds.This helped Adder make sure it was really Kilo.Adder fed Kilo some rat meat.Kilo made a happy buzz chime.Even though these black birds seem depressing at first,they get kind of cute after awhile.Adder climbed onto Kilo's back and they took off.This sort of reminded Adder of the part in Twilight Princess when Link and Midna were flying up the Zora River.All three of them were looking for something,and all three were on a Twilight bird.Adder was flying low,looking at all of the Twili,hoping to spot Rael.He spotted someone with the same helmet Rael had worn on their head.It had to be him.Then he saw a sliver of fire under Rael's face,then it zipped out of Adder's vision and Kilo shrieked.Adder looked to see an arrow lodged into Kilo's neck,with a cloth tied onto the arrow right behind the arrowhead,which was on fire.Adder panicked.He tried to get the arrow out of Kilo's neck,only to have another arrow pierce Kilo right next to the last one.Kilo screamed that dead silencing buzz that let Adder know thst Kilo was dead.Kilo's dead body crashed into the ground.Adder wiped away tears and got up to see an arrow pointed at his face."So,"the attacker said,"the people from the palace have come to lord over us."Adder could see a sword slowly creeping around the thief's neck."Put your weapon down,"a familiar voice said,"unless you want to die."The thief lowered his bow,let go of the bow's string but kept the arrow,then he dropped the bow and arrow."Now get out of here."The thief ran.Adder got a good look at the man and recognized it to be Rael.Rael's hair is buzzed,and he is also half-blinded,and therefore one of his eyes are white."Adder,"he said angrily,"what are you doing here?The people around here hate people from the palace."Adder figured that Rael had thrown away his helmet so no one would try to kill him,and that the thief had gotten it."I was looking for you,"Adder replied,ignoring the angry tone.Rael then had a grin on his face and said "So you wanted to learn more about swords so badly you were willing to get killed before you could even start the lesson.I've nothing left to teach you,Adder.Let's get to the palace.

Atreyu sat in the room thinking."This will be worse than death,princess,"the Sage of Balance said."He will get exactly what he deserves."He then locked his burnt-orange eyes with Atreyu's bright orange eyes,staring into her soul."The light realm will have no mercy on the yound murderer.People will spit in his face as he begs for mercy."Atreyu was horrified at the thought."I can't do that to Adder,"Atreyu replied sadly,knowing this would end in either Adder's death or the Sage's idea.Balance got up and laughed."Typical,"the Sage chuckled."The classic soft-hearted and kind princess."Balance bent down to Atreyu's face and scowled."He killed your mother.He killed the queen.He carefully planned it out and struck at the right moment.He then posed as a bystander.He then claimed to have found the body."He got even closer."He has lied to you your whole life,and even now he is planning your death.You are blind,princess.Blind.I,however,am not blind.I see through his plot.Ii won't stop until we are all dead."The sage could see tears coming to her face,which let him know that he was getting through to her.It was both funny and sad.He knew exactly what Atreyu was.She was not only blind,but a fool.Silia would have had the sage watched for years if he had tried to manipulate her like this.Atreyu just sat there crying like the pathetic girl the sage thought she was.He had always had to be more subtle with Silia,while he could could just sap whatever hope,happiness,or peace in both Silia and Atreyu's minds away from them.He decided to break her some more.He narrowed his eyes and said "If you're going to rule this land,you have o make hard decisions.You should have prepared for this the eight years you have been alive.Instead,you played with that fool you're whole life.Then you wasted you're time on the Fused Shadows.Think long and hard about this,princess.Whatever you decide the punishment to be,we sages and council find him guilty and undeserving of a trial.He must be put down."He then left,leaving Atreyu there to cry all alone.

Adder entered the palace and searched for Atreyu.She heard crying coming from behind a door.He knock and heard Atreyu tell him to come in.The door opened and Adder walked in.He saw Atreyu crying,and walked over to her and hugged her."It's alright,"he said softly."You're going to be fine."Atreyu stopped crying.She had to arrest him.She had no choice.She shoved Adder off of her and yelled for the guards.Adder was shocked.They thought he had killed Silia.The door opened behind him and Adder turned around to have Leaf punch him in the face,knocking him out.

Adder woke up in chains.Four men were dragging him on the ground.He looked and saw six men and one girl standing in front of the circular portal with the image of a cave in it.The sages and Atreyu were there.The sages of fire,water,life,death,spirit,and balance were standing there,crossing their arms over their chests.The guards handed Adder over to Balance's five underlings,who dragged him through the portal.Balance bowed before Atreyu as she entered the portal,and then Balance followed.They all stumbled into Lanayru's cave.Balance raised his arm and Adder's shackles distentegrated.Adder lept at Balance.Adder didn't care how strong Balance was.He wanted revenge.Adder repeatedly punched Balance in the face.He found his right arm propelled into the air,then his left.He was stuck in the air over the ledge.Atreyu couldn't take it anymore."This isn't right,"she yelled."He should have had a trial!"Balance chuckled at this."Arteyu,have you read our laws?The murderer of the King,Queen,Prince,or Princess has no trial.Only their apportioned fate."Atreyu nodded and told him to continue.The Sages gathered in a circle,and started chanting either a ritual,spell,or curse.Adder looked at Atreyu.She had good intentions,even if the sage manipulated her,she was protecting he people.She wasn't completely manipulated,though.He didn't know whether or not Atreyu would help him,but somehow he knew this was the end.The sages finished chanting.Adder was not suprised that the first words he ever heard the sages,other than Balance,say were being directed against him.The five sages gathered in a half-circle around Balance and Atreyu,who stood directly in front of the ledge.Atreyu broke and started to beg Balance not to do it.She pulled on his robes and his arm.He then arrogantly jerked his arm away and raised it,turning Adder around.Then came the came the light and the heat.Adder let out a howl of pain.Screaming and roaring in agony.

Adder opened his eyes to the golden-flourescent light and it's swirling black clouds.He sat up and looked at his hands.They were white,and Adder had clearly woken up.He looked and saw Silia's grave in front of him,and got up with a grunt."Oh,isn't this great,"the same Twili that pointed him out earlier remarked."It turns out the human 'didn't' have a heart attack.I told you,Kilk."Adder looked around.Then he heard a yell."Human!!"Adder recognized the voice.He turned and saw the half-blind man standing there with yet another sword strapped to his back.Adder then realized who it was."Rael,"he yelled.Rael clapped."Good guess,I suppose,"he remarked.Adder could tell he was serious.Adder began to speak,but Rael raised his hand.Rael drew his broadsword and said coldly"this is were you die,human."Adder sighed and drew his sword.Everyone gathered around the two swordsmen.They didn't know who Adder and Rael were,but Adder could tell they wanted Rael to win.They both charged and clanged their blades together.They were pushing each other back with their blades,which didn't look good for Adder.Rael had to be ten-times stronger than Adder.Rael spun around Rael's left side,swinging at his head.Rael ducked and swung his blade upward,but Adder saw this coming.Adder jumped back and saw the blade sail only centimeters from his nose.They continued clanging their blades together,linking them in combination with punches.Adder then raised his blade high,then,just as he was about to attempt to slash at Rael,he dropped his blade and spun around Rael's side.Rael swung his blade horizontaly at Adder,but Adder stopped the attack by grabbing Rael's wrist and trying to yank his blade away.Rael was too strong for Adder,though.Rael jerked his blade away,and was about to finish Adder off when an orange hand suddenly smacked Rael upside the head.Everyone gasped as Rael fell to the ground and coughed.Adder looked in the direction the hand came from and saw Atreyu standing there.She wore an odd black mask on her head,which covered one of her eyes and had what looked to be two horns going straight up and curling inward.The Fused Shadow!Atreyu must have fixed it.Atreyu floated over to Rael."Hello,Rael.I'm sure that you remember Adder,"she said,gesturing to Adder."That,"Rael remarked,"Is not Adder.Though he's left-handed,fights like Adder,and looks sort of like him,it is impossible."Atreyu chuckled at this."You'll find that it 'is' possible.I'll explain later.We need to get to your house."Rael saluted and they headed off.On the way,Adder put his hand on Atreyu's shoulder."You saved my life,Atreyu.Thanks."


was that good?chapter 2:Into the Bloodpalm Turf,will introduce a new character,Guile[which,in case you don't know,the word guile means slyness and cunning]He's and excellent archer and can sneak around good,and knows some good tricks,like how to make fire arrows.I actually go through the steps to making one in chapter2.

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The first chapter is great, but William Norway doesn't sound very Hylian.

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Yeah lol.Hyrule is pretty much gone.Hyrule county is in America now,and Will's the only one in his household with long ears.Truth is,he isn't William Norway.

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you're supposed to post these in submit news, articles etc...

I'd move it there, but it's pretty good, so i'll move it straight into the articles section itself.

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I liked it. The Legend of Zelda the Dark Crystal was my first LoZ writing, and look at that! Oh yeah, people don't like it. Bad example. Sorry.

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I just put chapter1 in there,and thanks Gingerlink for moving it!

I also noticed a typo."yound murderer " was really "young murderer "

I'm also thinking about making the Twilight Realm an actual alternate universe,which means an alternate MASTER SWORD!!!

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I liked it. The Legend of Zelda the Dark Crystal was my first LoZ writing, and look at that! Oh yeah, people don't like it. Bad example. Sorry.

Actually,I read some of yours.[i only read a little]it was pretty cool.I guess I'll read yours since you read mine.

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okay! :D:D

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Thats cool i like it

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