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The possible Truth Reposted

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For anyone who has ever wondered what the truth is behind the 4th triforce piece, the story of Fierce Deity, and other things, here are my theories and facts...


As you may have noticed, in Oot there is an upsidedown triforce on the Hylian Shield, and in MM, Zelda speaks of the Goddess of Time. This is probably where people got the idea of the triforce of time- Zelda says that the OoT is infused or protectd by the Goddess of Time-which means that godess had to have come and gone from the land of Hyrule- leaving another triforce piece...

This led to the thoughts of F.Deity, because he has a single complete triforce piece and his name has "deity" in it he must be a god or of god like status. Now I will tell the story of F.Deity and the Triforce of Time--- I admit that some of the the info up there is from a different source and that they deserve credit ( yada yada yada). The following are my theories( in story), enjoy...


Long ago 3 goddesses descended from the the heavens to create the new and beautiful world of Hyrule. Din, the goddess of power, and fire, created the earth and its landscapes. Nayrue, goddess of wisdom, love, and order, created the law of the land ( and the sky too). Fayrore, goddess of courage, life, and wind, created beings to uphold the law. However there was a 4th goddess, a goddess who's name is long forgotten, a goddess of time. The goddess of time had the power to make time move, to destroy and create many things, and maybe even control her younger sisters' powers.

This goddess finished Hyrule by giving it time, and then the goddesses, satisfied with their work, departed for the heavens. As they crossed the border of Hyrule and the heavens, some of their power was left behind, creating the Quadraforce.The Quadraforce sat, floating at the border, its power flowing to Hyrule.

The goddesses watched their creation from the heavens, over joyed with its beauty.But, they began to grimace, as they saw the Quadraforce drifting down to the lands of Hyrule. They knew that when the Quadraforce touched the ground, something would eventually find it, and be overwelmed by its power. They knew that the Quadraforce's balance of power was disrupted by the strong power of time.

After a good deal of thought, the goddesses decided to send their Brother down to Hyrule to take the Quadraforce and return it to the heavens. So, their brother was sent down to Hyrule with his orders. When he hit the surface of Hyrule he saw the great Quadraforce, and took it. However, when he grabbed it, he feelt the powers it held and began to think...

He, the brother of the goddesses, was a lesser god, of which had no great powers, and was meant to serve his sisters as a "noble" does for his "queen". The Deity began to hate his sisters, as he slowly gave in to the power of the Quadraforce. It filled him with anger as his hate grew, until he snapped. He went on a rampage and destroyed the towns and cities. He killed mercilessly, slaughtering everything in sight. His appearance began to change as his anger grew, and with the power of the Quadraforce he forged a blade of great power that he used to destroy the entire world of Hyrule.

From the heavens the goddesses watch in terror as their beautiful creation was smashed. They became angry, and flew to Hyrule, creating an earthquake as they landed. They ran to the place where their brother was still slaughtering the last villagers and bound him to the ground. The goddesses then, without a word stripped away both the Quadra force and their brother's power from him, making him mortal.

With Quadraforce in hand, the goddesses threw their foolish brother back to the heavens, and used their power to repair what was left of the once proud Hyrule, and departed to the heavens once more. When they reached their home, the furious goddesses summoned the great evil blade their brother had made, and cut him in two. They then split the Quadraforce and threw 3 of its pieces back to Hyrule.

With the last piece of the Quadraforce the goddesses completed their brothers punishment. They split the shard of time into pieces; one piece became the master sword, and the other became the Ocarina of Time. With the sacred ocarina, the goddess of time played a magical melody that healed her brother's mind, however it finished his punishment by sealing him, his orininal power, and his blade into a mask that showed his evil form. The goddesses then threw him into the land of Termina, a world that was accidenally created when the goddesses left Hyrule. In that worled it landed on a moon with a great garden on it.

When the goddesses had finally sealed their brother, later known as Fierce Deity, they hid the 3 remaining pieces of the Quadraforce into a sacred realm, that was guarded by 7 sages, that was sealed in a tmple, that was sealed by a sword, that was locked behind a gate, that only an ocarina could open, that was guarded by a royal family, that was guarded by a mysterious race.

That was my story, I hope you liked it. Oh, and sorry it was so long, :embarrassed:

For those who didn't see, go back to the next oldest till you reach my other topic.

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I liked it. But I don't think the Fierce Diety is thier brother. Maybe a creation sent down to retrieve the Fourth Piece. Kinda like an early Link.

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mmhmmmm....... Well.... I'd say that was reletively good..... But something is missing... ummmmm...... well........ errrrmmmmmm....... I don't know!!! But it just isn't working for me....... I'll post what I think when I'm finished collecting my thoughts and have done a good deal of research based on what you've just said......

Yours Truely,



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Hmm....this makes you think a bit about the fourth peice. It's pretty good. :)

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This makes a lot of sence. I love thinking about theories for this game. Although I would love to know whats really going on w/ Zelda games, I think I may be kind of sad to know the truth from nintendo, because wondering is half the fun.

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Well it's good that people are reading my topic this time, last time someone posted over it right when I finished.

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That's a very interesting theory, It seems you've put good thought into it.

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This makes a lot of sence. I love thinking about theories for this game. Although I would love to know whats really going on w/ Zelda games, I think I may be kind of sad to know the truth from nintendo, because wondering is half the fun.

Thats a great point.

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that is a very interesting theory it could be true

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Click on the link under the fox pic. in my sig. the quiz is very accurate. That's all. :biggrin:

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Very interesting theory, I must say.

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Hmmm... :unsure: I think there are just a few tiny holes in that theory. Such as you didn't tell us how the Quadraforce became known as the Triforce. Was it that when the original people of Hyrule passed the events in the form of a legend down to their children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren, their descendants just shortened the phrase, "the three pieces of the Quadraforce" down to the word "Triforce"? Or is it some other reason? :unsure:

...Just ignore that. It's really an awesome theory! :biggrin: In fact, it's probably the most reasonable theory of the Quadraforce-to-Triforce I've ever read... :D

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For anyone who has ever wondered what the truth is behind the 4th triforce piece, the story of Fierce Deity, and other things, here are my theories and facts...


As you may have noticed, in Oot there is an upsidedown triforce on the Hylian Shield, and in MM, Zelda speaks of the Goddess of Time. This is probably where people got the idea of the triforce of time- Zelda says that the OoT is infused or protectd by the Goddess of Time-which means that godess had to have come and gone from the land of Hyrule- leaving another triforce piece...

This led to the thoughts of F.Deity, because he has a single complete triforce piece and his name has "deity" in it he must be a god or of god like status. Now I will tell the story of F.Deity and the Triforce of Time--- I admit that some of the the info up there is from a different source and that they deserve credit ( yada yada yada). The following are my theories( in story), enjoy...


Long ago 3 goddesses descended from the the heavens to create the new and beautiful world of Hyrule. Din, the goddess of power, and fire, created the earth and its landscapes. Nayrue, goddess of wisdom, love, and order, created the law of the land ( and the sky too). Fayrore, goddess of courage, life, and wind, created beings to uphold the law. However there was a 4th goddess, a goddess who's name is long forgotten, a goddess of time. The goddess of time had the power to make time move, to destroy and create many things, and maybe even control her younger sisters' powers.

This goddess finished Hyrule by giving it time, and then the goddesses, satisfied with their work, departed for the heavens. As they crossed the border of Hyrule and the heavens, some of their power was left behind, creating the Quadraforce.The Quadraforce sat, floating at the border, its power flowing to Hyrule.

The goddesses watched their creation from the heavens, over joyed with its beauty.But, they began to grimace, as they saw the Quadraforce drifting down to the lands of Hyrule. They knew that when the Quadraforce touched the ground, something would eventually find it, and be overwelmed by its power. They knew that the Quadraforce's balance of power was disrupted by the strong power of time.

After a good deal of thought, the goddesses decided to send their Brother down to Hyrule to take the Quadraforce and return it to the heavens. So, their brother was sent down to Hyrule with his orders. When he hit the surface of Hyrule he saw the great Quadraforce, and took it. However, when he grabbed it, he feelt the powers it held and began to think...

He, the brother of the goddesses, was a lesser god, of which had no great powers, and was meant to serve his sisters as a "noble" does for his "queen". The Deity began to hate his sisters, as he slowly gave in to the power of the Quadraforce. It filled him with anger as his hate grew, until he snapped. He went on a rampage and destroyed the towns and cities. He killed mercilessly, slaughtering everything in sight. His appearance began to change as his anger grew, and with the power of the Quadraforce he forged a blade of great power that he used to destroy the entire world of Hyrule.

From the heavens the goddesses watch in terror as their beautiful creation was smashed. They became angry, and flew to Hyrule, creating an earthquake as they landed. They ran to the place where their brother was still slaughtering the last villagers and bound him to the ground. The goddesses then, without a word stripped away both the Quadra force and their brother's power from him, making him mortal.

With Quadraforce in hand, the goddesses threw their foolish brother back to the heavens, and used their power to repair what was left of the once proud Hyrule, and departed to the heavens once more. When they reached their home, the furious goddesses summoned the great evil blade their brother had made, and cut him in two. They then split the Quadraforce and threw 3 of its pieces back to Hyrule.

With the last piece of the Quadraforce the goddesses completed their brothers punishment. They split the shard of time into pieces; one piece became the master sword, and the other became the Ocarina of Time. With the sacred ocarina, the goddess of time played a magical melody that healed her brother's mind, however it finished his punishment by sealing him, his orininal power, and his blade into a mask that showed his evil form. The goddesses then threw him into the land of Termina, a world that was accidenally created when the goddesses left Hyrule. In that worled it landed on a moon with a great garden on it.

When the goddesses had finally sealed their brother, later known as Fierce Deity, they hid the 3 remaining pieces of the Quadraforce into a sacred realm, that was guarded by 7 sages, that was sealed in a tmple, that was sealed by a sword, that was locked behind a gate, that only an ocarina could open, that was guarded by a royal family, that was guarded by a mysterious race.

That was my story, I hope you liked it. Oh, and sorry it was so long, :embarrassed:

For those who didn't see, go back to the next oldest till you reach my other topic.

the fourth piece is the triangle in the middle :unsure:

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