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A Tale of Destiny- Chapter 1

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Okay, before I post the chapter here is a thing that kinda overviews the story:

The fair land of Hyrule is falling away to darkness. People are disappearing and turning up dead the next day. Panic is among all. One day, though, a prophet went before the King and Queen. He tells them that their daughter, Zelda, was not truly dead, as they had thought all those years. After being killed at the beginning of the dark times, she had been reborn in a new body. Only she could save the dying land.

Becky was never anyone special. She lived her life quietly in the shadows of the people who hate her. One morning, everything changes. Becky is ripped from her life and sent on an amazing adventure to save a withering world.

Now, my readers, the moment you've been waiting for (or not): Chapter 1

Bechira strolled down the empty street. Off in the distance a car to a screeching halt and a dog barked loudly. Bechira, who preferred to be called Becky, ignored the noise. Her house was only two blocks away, and it had been a long day at school.

Minutes later she opened the door and walked into her house. It was empty, or so it seemed. Becky's father was upstairs, sleeping. Her mother was at work. At 9:00 pm tonight her mom would come home and go to bed and her dad would get up and leave for work. All three of their lives crossed over breakfast.

None of this bothered Becky. She would rather be living alone than with these people who claimed to be her parents. Both were uptight and loved work. Becky, on the other hand, was a total tom-boy. Her long blond hair fell to her waist, but she never let it down. Her wardrobe was composed of jeans and T-shirts and only one dress for special family get-togethers. Becky had stunning blue eyes and a fair face. No one could call her ugly, yet people did.

Not bothering to suppress a sigh, Becky climbed the stairs to her room in the attic. It was the most secluded part of the house and her favorite place to be. As she slammed the door behind her Becky allowed her eyes to wander the room.

The walls were painted black and a computer stood against he wall. Paper littered the floor, lined and plain. Some with the beginnings of stories that she lost hear in halfway through a sentence. Others showed half finished drawings of various things. Becky's bed held a gray comforter and blood red sheets. None of these colors bothered her parents; they never came to her Froom anyways.

As Becky flopped down on her bed she kicked off her shoes and pulled out her notebook. After scribbling a few lines she crumpled up the paper and tossed it onto the floor with the other many rejected story beginnings. Her mind was too full to think, let alone write a story.

"It would be better if they just ignored me," she said quietly. "Why can't they just keep to their own freaking business?"

Empty wishes. That was all those words were. Empty wishes.

It seemed that everyone at school hated Becky. Teasing and mocking. Everyone. No one bothered to ask her opinions. No one bothered to see if she wanted to join them. It seemed everyone had agreed that Becky Longhut was a freak. Almost as if the whole school had gotten together on the very first day of Kindergarten and said: "Okay everyone, we're going hate this girl all through our school career. She's a complete and total freak."

A short spurt of anger surged though Becky as she thought about how people treated her. She punched her pillow with a great force. If she didn't do something along those lines she would end up hurting herself like many times before. Scars on her arm proved that.

A few minutes later the anger passed on, but it left her short of breath. Becky lay her head down on the pillow that she had just tried to kill. With her eyes closed she tried desperately to level her breathing off. It didn't work.

With another sigh Becky opened her eyes and climbed back out of bed. She slipped her shoes back on and headed for the door maybe a walk would calm her down.

As Becky walked down the street she thought about the people at school. They didn't torment her like some of the nerds, but what they did still hurt. It was the little things. Snide comments at her clothes, watching the faces of the late kids drop when they saw that the only two empty seats were next to Becky. When no one sat next to her during lunch or cared to listen to her opinion.

Becky kicked a small pebble on the street as she walked. A sound, that wasn't the pebble on cement, caught her ear. Looking to the other side of the street she saw some girls from school. They were the ones that were constantly fixing their make-up and cheating off the smart kids next to them in class. One of them was whispering something to the others and pointing openly at Becky. Becky felt her face grow hot.

These were the people she hated the most. The ones who didn't mind showing the fact that they hated her. So, naturally, she flipped them off.

Five minutes later Becky found herself in town. Cars were speeding by on the road, trying to see who could go the farthest over the speed limit with getting pulled over. A local fast-food joint was full to bursting and a couple of boys rode their skateboards past.

This was the prime part of the day. School was out until tomorrow and adults were getting off work. No one noticed the girl walking down the street. The girl whose eyes were watching everyone else.

After a few blocks later Becky turned down the road onto a street lined with junk shops. This was her favorite place to go after a long day. No one else was ever here, save a few stray dogs

After a while Becky slowed her pace, by now her breathing had returned to normal. She let her eyes wander the windows. Old toys, broken utensils, cheap jewelry for twice the price than it was worth. These things were the best to Becky, though many would argue. Every so often Becky would wander into a shop. She would look at the things for sale, but she rarely bought anything.

One trip into one of these shops Becky remembered better then most of the others. The owner, a senile old lady, had assumed Becky was there to steal something. It must have been the way Becky was dressed, her jeans ripped at the knees and her hair in an unruly pony-tail, or maybe it was that she was the only teenager to ever wander into the shop. Whatever the reason, as soon as Becky picked up something to look at it, the woman went crazy and chased Becky out of the shop with a dusty old broom.

A man's angry yells floated around the corner of a street Becky had just passed and down the street, closely followed by running footsteps.

Spinning around Becky saw a man running from around the corner towards her. He wore a long brown trench coat and a hat pulled over his face. All Becky could see of his face were shadows. As he drew closer Becky noticed a slight limp in his run, like both his legs were bothering him greatly.

The man was only three feet away before Becky realized that she hadn't moved and he was just about to ram into her, for he showed no intention of changing direction. In the split second she had, Becky tried to move out of the way, but with no luck. The man reached out one of his large, hairy arms and pushed her out of the way.

Becky hit the ground with a hard thud that knocked all the breath out of her. The man continued to run on from whatever seemed to be chasing him and after a few blocks turned down the street. It took Becky a few more moments to realize she was still on the ground. In one motion smooth motion she stood up. With her hands she brushed the dirt off of her pants. For a few more moments Becky stared down the street where he had disappeared, her eyes wide with shock.

"I wonder what he was running from," she mused to herself in a quiet voice, "and I wonder why no one has come chasing after him."

Quickly making up her mind Becky set off back down the street to where the mysterious man had come from. It wouldn't be too hard to figure out what shop he had come from because she had seen him shortly after the bell on the door of the store rang, so he had to have been in one of the shops near the beginning of the street. All Becky had to do was ask around; surely the owner wouldn't have forgotten him that quickly.

At the first door she came to Becky walked in, a woman with a kind face was sweeping the floor. Her gray hair was swept up in a bun with some loose strands hanging down.

"Pardon me, ma'am," Becky said, using manners to win over the owner.

The woman looked up with a surprised face. "Well hello there!" She exclaimed in a happy-go-lucky voice. "What can I help you with?"

"I was wondering if you saw a man wearing a big brown trench coat. He just ran down the street a little while ago." Silently Becky prayed that she sounded perfectly innocent.

The woman's smile faded a little as she pushed back a few stray strands of hair. "I did see a man," she said slowly, debating whether or not to tell Becky. "He was running out of that shop across the street just a few minutes ago, he may be who you're looking for." She looked Becky up and down suspiciously, her smile now completely gone. "But," her happy-go-lucky voice was now dropped, "why would a pretty young lady like yourself be looking for someone like that? He seemed like trouble to me."

Becky took a small step back toward the door. "Oh, no reason, I was just a little curious, that's all." A few more steps. "Thank you for your information though, it was very helpful." The woman was now giving her a piercing look. "Well, I guess I'll be going now." And with that Becky turned and quickly walked out the door.

After taking a few steps from the door of the shop she had just exited, Becky hurried across the street to where the shop owner said she had seen the man come running from.

It was an old, beat down place. Paint peeled from the window. It read: EERYTHNG EPORUM. Without the missing letters the sign once read EVERYTHING EMPORIUM, but years of rain and weather had worn it down. Through the dirty window an odd assortment of things lay in what someone must have thought was an orderly manner. A little tin soldier faced out to the street, the tag on him read $7.00. Next to him quills lay piled around a half empty bottle of ink. On the other side of the little tin man there lay a chipped picture frame. A little girl smiled out of it. Her smile looked murderous and sick, like she knew the exact date and time of your death.

Taking a few steps towards the door Becky started having second thoughts about entering this place. A small nagging feeling in her gut told her to go away from it, far away where she could hide. These thoughts were not usual to Becky. Most of the time she was right out in front. Taking chances and trying to earn some respect from her classmates, of course it never worked. But something about this place sent shivers through her entire body. It had an aura of evil to it. Taking a deep breath, Becky, with shaking hands, pushed open the door.

The store consisted of one room. It was dimly lit and smelled strongly of mold. A counter stood barely visible under an assorted pile of merchandise. No owner stood behind it. As Becky gazed around at the piles of junk she silently noted the lack of a welcome bell.

Heart pounding she stepped forward in search of the shop owner. Do I really want to find the owner? She wondered. I mean, looking at this shop, maybe I'm not to keen to meet them.

Suddenly a thin and bony hand closed around Becky's shoulder and she let forth a piercing scream! Allowing her nerves to get the better of her, Becky tore herself from the grip and spun around. She found herself face to face with the shop owner.

He was an old man. His limp, white hair fell weakly over his face and covered most of his eyes. The man stood slightly bent and was very thin. This man's body gave the impression that he was weak, but his eyes, his eyes bright brown burned with life. With more than life, with death. They burned with a fire and an ice. His eyes seemed to puncture right through to her soul. Past her soul, deep to the place where feelings are kept. Feelings that aren't meant to be shared.

"I'm sorry," he rasped, "did I frighten you?" He smiled a toothy smile that made Becky feel sick.

Becky didn't answer, nor was she able to nod or shake her head. All she could do was stare.

Continuing to smile the man said, "It's perfectly okay, is there anything I can help you with? I'm Mr. Circe."

Finally finding her voice, Becky responded, "W-well actually there is something. You see, there was a man who was running down the street about ten or so minutes ago. Did he happen to come from this shop?"

The man looked at her, his red eyes flashing.

Becky in took a sharp breath. His eyes! She thought desperately. T-they were just brown! Blinking her eyes furiously Becky looked back to his. They were brown. I must have just been a trick of the light.

"-talking about." Mr. Circe finished saying. Becky had been so focused on his eyes that she hadn't heard what he had said.

"I-I'm sorry, what did you say?"

"I said," Mr. Circe said. His voice was hard and angry, "I have no idea what you're talking about! Now, If you know what's good for you, you'll leave my shop! NOW!" With those words Mr. Circe turned around and stormed to the back of his shop.

Shocked with his abrupt change of mood Becky began to back out of the shop. Halfway to the door she turned and started walking forward. Then, something caught her eyes. A golden locket. Without a second thought, or any realization to what she was doing, Becky grabbed the locket and stuffed it in her pocket.

In a few seconds time Becky was out of the shop. With a quick backwards look Becky saw the picture of the little girl with the horrible look on her face. Suddenly an enormous pain erupted in Becky. With a thud Becky hit the ground, unconscious.

Please coment on size. If it's too big I can post the chapters in parts.

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its not too big nice story so far

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Trust me, that is not too big! Cool, I'll read Chapter 2 now ^^

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