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UFO Footage from Haiti

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wow! that does look real! :fear:

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Yeah it does look real but i dont believe it.

surely this would have been mentioned in the news if it were real?

I think simply it was some one working on some digital imaging software.

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Warning- Oxymoron Ahead

I don't believe it, it looks too real to be real.

Quite frankly It was too clear to be believable. It's probably just some nerd with a 3D grapics program and too much time on his hands.

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yeah right... :unsure:

this is so fake. Why would aliens do that if they were super inteligent? very ulikely...

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pretty good modeling work and animation, i must say...

Even without thinking, there are two obvious holes in this

1)It's only on youtube, not the news or anything

2)There'd be screaming from at least one person nearby, the single gasp is nowhere near sufficient sound effects because several other people would have seen it and cryed out in some form or another

It's not I don't believe in aliens or anything, but this particular footage just fails...

plus, I always thought, if they came to our world, wouldn't they try and do one of three things?

1) Survey us covertly/undetected

2)Attempt to communicate with us

3)Attack us

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pretty good modeling work and animation, i must say...

Even without thinking, there are two obvious holes in this

1)It's only on youtube, not the news or anything

2)There'd be screaming from at least one person nearby, the single gasp is nowhere near sufficient sound effects because several other people would have seen it and cryed out in some form or another

It's not I don't believe in aliens or anything, but this particular footage just fails...

plus, I always thought, if they came to our world, wouldn't they try and do one of three things?

1) Survey us covertly/undetected

2)Attempt to communicate with us

3)Attack us

yes, good points Gingerlink.

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its obviously fake it would be on the news if it was real

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I don't know if they would really want to attack. Sure, they might be more intelligent. They must be for having a space ship, but they still might not attack. They might just want to exchange technologies. They might be having an enemy in space and want an ally. This of course if aliens exist.

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i said attack as one of the three things, with another being communicate (freindly) it's a possiblity they may attack due to gain resources from the planet or enslave us all, or something like that. Not saying it's the most likely, but it's a possible conclusion.

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Looks like Lego Star Wars space ships, or atleast Star Wars space ships from one of the movies at least edited into a random movie that the person had and edited together ._.

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its fake but wow the technology these days.

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Whoever made that... Nice try, but that's so fake. XDD

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Yeah, it is pretty corny how the guy with the camera manages to keep it right in the center, and keep up with it, even as it goes almost straight above him.

Still pretty amazing though. Whatever program they used must of been pretty good.

(The news wouldn't show something like this, they'd try to hide it. Or atleast in the US.)

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It may look a little real.. But Sadly, I must admit.. This is no alien invasion NOR are those REAL UFOs....

AND I DON'T GET IT!? Why is it a "UFO?" (UNIDENTIFIED FLYING OBJECT) When we know it's a spaceship...? Hm?

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