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Nintendo replied to Virtual Console questions

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[url=""]WolfLink22[/url] lets us in on a reply direct from Nintendo about some questions he asked about the Nintendo Wii's Virtual Console feature. It looks like it's going to be great. Check out their reply:

"You asked some great question. This is what we currently know about the Wii's Virtual Console feature. It will have downloadable access to 20 years of fan-favorite titles originally released for Nintendo 64, the Super Nintendo Entertainment System (SNES) and even the Nintendo Entertainment System (NES). It will also feature a "best of" selection of Sega Genesis and TurboGrafx titles. ...


The Virtual Console will allow you to do more than download and play your favorite classic games. Other material will be made available as well. More importantly, the Virtual Console will be home to new games conceived by indie developers whose creativity is larger than their budgets.

There will be an extremely simple interface built into Wii's system software, allowing easy access to games and other material. With it, accessibility will be as intuitive and easy as, say, iTunes. More details will be revealed in the months leading up to Wii's release. For the latest information on Wii, please visit:


Nintendo of America Inc.
Rae Zenn"

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cool! Doesn't that mean that I can put my own games on there for everyone to play?

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yes and no, I think you'd need to ask nintnedo to be able to put it on there,but if you get eveyrhting like that out the way then i think you can :P

That would be the ultimate dream for the game im making because it would work well with the wii controller..have i just said too much about the control scheme? o well its a pc game, not easy to transfer you might think :P

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Huh. Funny they didn't specify WHAT other functions. See, that's the thing with Nintendo, they're always keeping secrets. "Oh, it's going to have a certain thing but we can't tell you 'cause it's a secret!" That's kinda what they're saying and it's kinda like a T.V. sitcom where it's this couple's Anniversary and the husband forgets and doesn't know what to buy, and they're liein' so they can find something. I make wierd analogies, don't I?

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If you don't belive what i said e-mail Nintendo yourself and yes i saved the E-mailed reply from Nintendo.As for the other material part we should hear more about it at Leipzig on August 23rd and here is the link to the leipziger website [url=""]Search for Nintendo[/url].Nintendo may spill the beans about the release date and price or more Virtual Console news.

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just curious do you think that they will include some of the nintendo gameboy games as well? such as some of the newer zelda games like minish cap?

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i beleive you its just i knew all that stuff over a year ago :mellow:

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