Help on A link to the Past

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I need help on the third dungeon in the dark world. I have eneterd the dungeon from many entrances and i have gotten the map and compass. Now what do i do

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The third dungeon has many entrances located throughout the (dark) lost woods. most of them are visible via skull shaped rocks with mouths to enter through, others are holes in the ground.. there is also a square patch of 9 flowers near one of the skulls which has a hidden entrance located underneath the centre flower. after venturing through all the skulls and various holes in the ground you should locate all the dungeon treasures - including the big key, and the dungeon item the fire rod.

if you're missing a key or something and cant proceed simply go through every room and do everything possible - slash all vines on the walls to check for hidden entrances, kill all enemies in the room, etc etc. if you cant keep a door open, try pushing a statue onto the switch. just watch out for the floormasters that try to grab you.

I dont quite remember exactly where the big key is, but you should be able to find it by checking everywhere. double check each room.

To obtain the fire rod you will need to fall down a particular hole and there will be one of those blue and red flashing balls that is circulating around a circle of skulls - in that same room there is a crack on the left wall - bomb it open and proceed through. there will be a long room with a switch in the middle - pull the switch and the walls will explode and leave a way towards the big chest containing the fire rod - after obtaining the fire rod you can proceed to the other half of the dungeon.

after getting the fire rod and returning to the lost woods, head to the northwest corner of the woods and you will find some long bug-like statue with a long nose. to open it, simply use your fire rod on the nose of the statue and you will open it up and will be able to proceed through.

Hope i helped, if not try an online walkthrough, simply search lttp walkthrough on google.

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to the right of the far right entrance is a 3x3 grid of bushes. fall down the middle one to get the fire rod

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