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Nintendo power ideas

3 posts in this topic


Here are some ideas for Wii games from Nintendo Power:

Pokemon snap.

This has been suggested LOADS of times. It could even use the Wii Photo Channel or Wifi to exchange photos with other people. OR BOTH. Chris slate said you could even hold the Wii remote sideways for a camera, and wouldn't using ht "B" or "A" buttons in that scenario be fitting?

Boktai for Wii: (Django, you'll love this)

Takes advantage of the wheather Channel for Wii. For example, if you were in a Cold area, it would use weather form Alaska. If you were in a hot area, It would take the wheather from some area sorounded by Desert. Why stop there? It could also implement news from the news channel to affect the game and make it more overall realistic.

What do you guys think of these ideas?

To all readers of Nintendo Power:

Keep sending in those ideas! Because If Nintendo Power isn't Enough:

1. You could sign up here and post it.

2. You could PM or e - mail me the idea, but if you e - mailed me, you'd first have to tell me it's for THIS topic, ok? Then I'd post the idea giving credit to you.

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Is this a new section in Nintendo Power?

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Nope. Reader mail.

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