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The Top 10 worst movie video games!!!

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Sometimes they hit big (Star Wars, Spider-Man) but other times...well you know!

These were great movies (For the most pasrt) but make abysmal games!

10. Bebe's Kids


Causing Trouble in Town and fighting the "Man" with tiny uppercuts

9. Catwoman


Horrible camera, and controls!

8. Back to the Future (NES)


The game has basically nothing to do with the movie

7. Street Fighter the movie game


A "Mortal Kombat" approach to the characters and bad dubbing

6. The Fifth Element


The hacked and slash plot with abysmal sound

5. Total Recall


pink shirted midgets try to kill you, WTF

4. Bad Boys: Miami Takedown


Horrible aiming and voice acting.

3. Fight Club


Great fighting game, lame story mode sub-plot

2. E.T. (Duh!!!!) :embarrassed:



And the number one worst movie game is...

Charlie's Angels


Headache in a Game case!

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*shudder shudder*

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The Superman game for Nintendo 64. And the Dead or Alive movie (this goes vice-versa, right?).

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The Superman game for Nintendo 64. And the Dead or Alive movie (this goes vice-versa, right?).

sorry but no!

The Superman game was based on the animated series Superman. And Dead or Alive was a game based movie, not a movie based game.

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Strawberry Shortcake on the Atari. Seriously.

Warning- Strong Language

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What about Big Rigs Off Road racing, or something like that?

That was the ultimate WORST game I've iver played.

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Most of these games I've never heard of... Thats probably a good thing.

Yeah I saw a review for Big Rigs. It was very funny to watch, a racing game without the laws of physics!

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ET is the game that killed off video games

Then Nintendo brought it back (although mario would've been popeye if they'd got the rights)

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Wow, I've got a copy of the Back to the Future for the MegeDrive. It makes no sense, and is really really hard. No one I know can get past the first level (the horse one).

And I want the Total Recall game!!!! Arnie in 8-bit ftw.

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Posted (edited)

Wow, I've got a copy of the Back to the Future for the MegeDrive. It makes no sense, and is really really hard. No one I know can get past the first level (the horse one).

And I want the Total Recall game!!!! Arnie in 8-bit ftw.

Your thinking of Back to the Future 3 for the Genesis (Mega Drive) I was talking about BTTF for the NES. 3 was an ok game you had to rescue Clara from falling over the cliff on your horse, shoot at the shooting gallery, protect Doc Brown from Tannen and his men with pie plates and hijack the train so you can make it "back to the Future!"

I had "Total Recall" for the NES. It was an OK video game, graphically impressive for it's time. It seemed like everywhere you went somebody was trying to kill you. Your wife in her pink workout outfit tries to lay the smack on you, cops and construction workers, drive by shootings, and the occasional midget street fight. Oh and those damn hole in the fence fists! By that I mean there were holes in a wooden fence that kids (I'm guessing) were punching at you through. The Movie was loosley based on the Philip K. Dick short story "We Can Remember It for You Wholesale" which was itself a sequel to "Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?" which was the basis for the movie "Blade Runner" so Total Recall is a "Sequel" to Blade Runner.

GOD, I'M A NERD!!!!!!

Edited by Diamond Triforce (see edit history)

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yes, the ET game was an epic fail, every time you fwell in a hole you had to reset the console :P

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