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Phoenix Wright Manga Coming to NA!

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I was very excited when I read this in my Nintendo Power issue I got today. =D

In the most recent Ace Attorney DS game, players learned that Phoenix Wright was disgraced, disbarred, and stripped of his attorney's badge following a controversial case. But there's still plenty to be told about the spiky-haired lawyer's adventures prior to his fall from grace, and fans will be able to read all about them in the Phoenix Wright manga from Del Ray. The comedic stories contained within the 300-page volume focus on Phoenix and other faces from Ace Attorney games (including Phoenix's assistant Maya Fey , his rival Miles Edgeworth, and prosecuters Franziska von Karma and Godot) both inside and outside the courtroom. You'll witness Phoenix solving murder cases, contemplating his relationships with other characters , putting kitty-cats on trial, and more-- he even gets involved with supernatural shenanigans linked to cranky security guard Wendy Oldbag. Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney Official Casebook Volume 1 should arrive in bookstores near the end of September, carrying a suggested price of $14.95.

Source: Nintendo Power 234 Subscriber Edition.


I don't know about anyone else, but I am stoked for this! I loved the games, so the manga should be interesting. ^^ I'm glad it's getting translated and coming to North America. ^_^

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