Animal Crossing - City Folk Wifi Service! - And Friend Codes!

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Welcome! To the Animal Crossing - City Folk WiFi service! All in one!


Service by - Adr990 & Bathykolpian

Hey all,


Bathykolpain and Adr990 of the Great Army of Hyrule.

Planned to make a Animal Crossing - City Folk WiFi service!

Not much features yet, but some really good. :)

- Exchange Rupees for Bells!

- Special "Pay Bell" service! (More info on that later.)

- Special events! For Rare items!

- Contest games!

- Yet more to come! (Feel free to give ideas.)


*For now we think a fear exchange price for Rupees to Bells is:

1 Rupee for 1 Bell

*Our special "Pay Bell" service will be explained in a lower part (Included rules) (Scroll down)

*Special events!

These will be on special days like Christmas or so...

So keep a eye on if you want free items...

(May you have more chance if you are active on this service)

*Contest games!

These will be random...

So keep a eye on for this one sure!

You may need some special clothing or Items with you (In case you don't have those... We will give these for free!)

Rules will be Explained once a game is there.

[Pay Bell]

This will be one awesome feature! You don't have to use it... Just if you like to.

Note: We can have our busy weeks and our chill weeks!

This all will be done by one person: Adr990 (at the moment)

And I'm never bored...

So may also I can close this feature for a while... But for now it isn't! :

- Ultra safe item trading!

- Return items or bells within 3 days if one of the persons didn't give it yet to me to trade it to you.

- I will come to your town do deliver the Items or bells personally :P

- If there are any problems. Or you got faked still (How is that possible) we will give or you Bells back or the item!

See this as a Mid-Person in trading...

- For all of this service. You only got to pay : 100R Only once!

But then you have 100% guaranty of Returning your items/bells after 3 days if the other person doesn't give any response to me.

And if you anyways got faked trough the Pay Bell service you get your items/bells back!

And that I (or anyone who joins this service to help off) personally will come deliver!

[Contests Info and Data]

Random Competitions will be noted here! (Included winners)

- New: First Game Contest!

Yep, the first Game Contest is in sight!


This first Game Contest on Animal Crossing Wii (City Folk/Let's go to the City) is gonna be about:

Bunnies and Bears...!

It is like Cat and Mouse... Just a little different...

More info about your Being, Bunny or Bear...

(If you are a Bunny)

You've got to hide in a amount of time...

(30 seconds sounds good?)

And hope you will not be find... you can move and run...

But don't hide in Houses!

(If you are a Bear)

Than you've got to find the hidden Bunnies in a amount of time...

(5 minutes sounds good?)

Time will be watch with a in game Timer ;)


You anyways will win something...

Since it is the first time...

If you where a Bunny once:

A Bunny Balloon

If you where a Bear once:

A Illusion Floor

If you where both, you get both :)

Next to that you can win bigger prices (But what?)


A Bunny hood/Bear hood and my clothes...

---Those things you will get from me...---


You will not hide in houses or shops etc... this is cheating...

If you do, you won't get any prizes for that round...

If you do it for a second time... you get a kick... (Or just we don't look for you anymore...)

Don't talk with keyboard if we are playing... this makes it easier for each other to find you...

(Counts for Bear and Bunny!)

Wii Speak is Okay... :)

Yes, you can walk around as much as you want...

I make my City special based on the game... :)

More about that later...


---===---Bunny hood---===---And the always price first game contest rule, is a Bunny Baloon!---===---


---===---Bear hood---===---And the always price first game contest rule, is a Ilussion Floor!---===---


---===---The Ilussion Floor---===---


[Friend codes!]

All friend codes in the second post: #2(Click)

Thanks & Greets,

Adr990 & Bathykolpian!

Note board: (Nice info inside!)

Our official Pay Bell logo:

-Pay_Bell.png - Pay_Bell2.png

You can place it in your Sig or so if you use our Pay Bell service!

Game contest comming:

- Game Contest is comming up! You will need two special items... we will give them to you for free if you don't have them yet...

It is gonna be really fun! And there is some price indeed...

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Friend codes!

Adr990: fcaccfadrfy7.png

Bathykolpian: bathyfcph8.png

Frost Gaint: Name: Cole Town: Meowvill 3738-3147-1029

Turophile: Name: Aidan Town: keiss Code: 2406-8901-8717

Zeldafan: Name: Aaron Town: Sunny S Code: 1461-9707-1614

Haviklink: Name: ? Town: ? Code: 1547-8687-9113

Luneth Uchiha: Name: Ben Town: B-Town Code: 1891-5091-8108

Chef Nonsense: Please contact Chef for information.

The Minish Link: Name: Mike Town: Koridai Code: 4812-1339-2173

The Nintendo Nerd: Name: Sergio Town: Nintendo Code: 1161-4502-9330

The youngest toon: Name: ☆☆Jack!! Town: Cheshire Code: 1333-2779-8311

Specever: Name: Bill Town: Everlin Code: 0731-9049-8343

Jesus Name: Ozlo Town: Isauld Friend Code: 2618-4511-0934

More to come!

[Adr990: Also, I have added you if you are in this list ;) ]

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Posted (edited)

Yeah. I was starting to think that I wasn't going to get it, but now that it's out tomorrow, I can't wait.

It wasn't as bad as the wait for Wild Word though. I just got the American version from eBay.

But yeah. I hope this whole 'services' thing does well though. I'll get a picture of my person when I get it to put in my signature.

Edited by Bathykolpian (see edit history)

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I got the game Included Wii Speak! W00T!!

Okay people this service is official open! :D

First day of use:

Getting 1000 Bells for free! for what so ever service you use ;)

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I'm getting it tomorrow without WiiSpeak. I'll just get it when it's released separate. If I go to any of your towns, I'll just use text chat if I can...

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My Friend code!:


* Haxored my town* lol :D

Off topic posts moved here:

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First 3 guys who uses this service:

Getting 5000 Bells for free! for what so ever service you use :D

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I guess I'll join, but maybe not, I'll think about it.

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My name is Bathy and my town is Kolpian.

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Posted (edited)

I'll have to check a few things on my town and such first, plus I'll have to see what my friend code is.

Edit: I have my friend code, it's 3738-3147-1029, I think it is anyways.

Edited by Frost Giant (see edit history)

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I have never played Animal Crossing is it a good game?

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It depends on your point of view. You start the game by moving into a small town, you then buy a house and then work for the only shop in town's shopkeeper. after you finish the job you have to pay off your debt, every time you pay off your debt you get a bigger house as well as a bigger debt, eventually the debt thing stops. There is no end to the game, during the game you can fish, buy furniture, sell furniture, write letters, catch bugs, go to other peoples towns, and many other things. I would over all rate it a 8/10, It has three games and not much has really changed in the three games, it does have a lot of good game play though.

(sorry if it was hard to read it)

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:unsure: Humm i might check it out.

Thanks for the info Frost giant.


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Yeah. My brother's playing the PS3 just now, so I'll add Frosty and Adr when I get the chance. What's your name and town Frosty?

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Added Frost Gaint :)

You may add me too :D


Your bro is playing for like 2 hours on his PS3 now

When you can? :P

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