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Posts posted by Compulsia

  1. Daw I think the pictures are kyute! Looking up like that shows your big pretty eyes =D

    Awwwwwwwwwwwe thanks hun :3

  2. You wanna know what is above my camera?!

    The old lady in my siggy is above my camera!

    I'm sorry but I can't help it, Okay?! >.<

  3. Congratulations. I'm envious that you guys are having a kid, but I don't envy your situation. I hope it works out for both of you.

    Awwwwwwwwe well thank you <3

  4. Congrats

    What gender

    What name

    What month

    Thank you :D

    Don't know the gender yet

    Still deciding on the name

    And my estimated due date is August 18th :]

  5. OMG...I'm naming a baby...myyyyy baby o.o

    Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee ^-^

  6. We should name it Francis if it's a girl so I can call her FRANKIE!

    But then I will always think of the Asian guy that I saw in Boston, who was pretty smexy...I'm not sure I want my baby to remind me of a piece of hotness xD

  7. I love how this thread started out as a joke and then led to people finding out that I'm preggo xD