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Profile Replies posted by Chimetals

  1. just realized the other bloggers for the study abroad group could see my maniacal avatar. whoops.

    june 9th is when im leaving. 6 weeks in kanazawa, one week afterwards in tokyo.

  2. Hi there! Months being innactive (o.x)

    welcome back :3

  3. Hentai dating sims are gross why am I being raped by a centaur gross

    why couldnt you play as the centaur gross

  4. So it seems that State Farm is trying to squid me with a rake. Why is car insurance so damn expensive?

    you actually could get away with a bike in that situation, if you wanted. gas is an arm and a leg.

  5. So I listened to Hot Problems... I'm going to need a time machine and a wire coat hangar.

    *my time machine. all my coathangers are plastic.

  6. So I listened to Hot Problems... I'm going to need a time machine and a wire coat hangar.

    you can use mine.

  7. Slipped in the bathroom. Bumped my head. Got an idea. Nutella-filled cupcakes. With a side of bacon. And Sunny D. Breakfast of champions. NOBEL PRIZE HERE I COME.

    man, you should slip in the bathroom more often.

  8. anyone else having issues with the 3ds? specifically, the touch screen deciding to cover itself in scratches from /just/ kid icarus? seriously, i dont even put much pressure on the thing, but it looks like ive been playing with a bloody razor, and i /dont/ /know/ /why/

    i guess i shouldnt share my game with /anyone else/ then, /t1g/

  9. anyone else having issues with the 3ds? specifically, the touch screen deciding to cover itself in scratches from /just/ kid icarus? seriously, i dont even put much pressure on the thing, but it looks like ive been playing with a bloody razor, and i /dont/ /know/ /why/

    i cant find any flaws with the stylus, but i did go get me a screen protector :< as far as usage goes, its either me or sayu, and i havent been putting much pressure on the screen. like, im not nearly as rough with it as when im playing eyeshield 21 on the DS. /that/ game is a screenwrecker.

  10. anyone else having issues with the 3ds? specifically, the touch screen deciding to cover itself in scratches from /just/ kid icarus? seriously, i dont even put much pressure on the thing, but it looks like ive been playing with a bloody razor, and i /dont/ /know/ /why/

    /you/ told me to go play it even though i had no screen cover. and i expected like, a /few/ scratches. not a few /hundred/

  11. anyone else having issues with the 3ds? specifically, the touch screen deciding to cover itself in scratches from /just/ kid icarus? seriously, i dont even put much pressure on the thing, but it looks like ive been playing with a bloody razor, and i /dont/ /know/ /why/

    yeah, but no way itd happen this quick. ive seen threads that are like "i have /a/ scratch after X months". ive got quite a few more than that, and in a couple weeks.

  12. anyone else having issues with the 3ds? specifically, the touch screen deciding to cover itself in scratches from /just/ kid icarus? seriously, i dont even put much pressure on the thing, but it looks like ive been playing with a bloody razor, and i /dont/ /know/ /why/

    and the stylus is as smooth as the touch screen /should/ be.

  13. I need some irl friends I enjoy being around as much as you guys :(

    a large portion of hnet ARE my irl friends. you should move to stl.

  14. Do any of you follow sinfest

    now i do, and this guy keeps reminding me of some ectobiology child of dave and calvin.

  15. how many 3ds users here even have swapnote? am i wasting my time when i make these things for you guys

    i keep getting ones from streetpass, but then i access them and its like "noap, its a message you got before, so we wiped it"

  16. I want to tell my friends all about Kid Icarus Uprising, but everything after chapter 9 is MAJOR SPOILERS. Hell, my favorite character is a walking spoiler.

    im lucky that my favorite character comes in at the end of chapter 5.


  17. Sometimes I really hate

    i like the line design, but the functions and descriptions, just....ugh. in other words, make it cloth and non-functional, and id be ok with it. but only then. and only if it has no attachment to "magic"

  18. I just got beat in beer pong twice in a row by a man who'd done two doses of liquid acid and was playing with actual beer. I was playing with Coke.

    pheo--engineering college.

  19. man, its so fun setting your birthday date to something else and watching people fall for it (see comments)

    and i had to make up for not doing anything at all for april fools day ;n;

  20. man, its so fun setting your birthday date to something else and watching people fall for it (see comments)

    just squidding guys, it really was my birthday yesterday, i just wanted to say something more creative than just a plain ol "thanks <3333"

    but really, thanks 0u0

  21. "Bad Friday" tonight: Passion of the Christ drinking game.

    drinking every time someone says "Jesus"?




    suddenly, i wanna inhale sugar. guhhhhh, if i wasnt saving my sugar stash for club.....

  24. thinking of writing a review on Kid Icarus: uprising.......should probably go beat it first, though.

    oh, i hate it when things get spoiled, no worries. i guess i can do a sort of as-i-go-through view and spoil anything remotely plot related.....i definitely wanna see some more players i can connect to, though ;n; it has weapon sharing capacities. do you even have a 3ds though?