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Profile Comments posted by Chimetals

  1. Chimetals

    kjzbkd kvzdv three teams need to send in their night actions!
  2. Chimetals

    kid icarus: more AR cards than can possibly be good for me, and holy /crap/ are they addicting.
  3. Chimetals

    just talked to my japanese friend that i havent heard from in forever <3
  4. Chimetals

    just realized the other bloggers for the study abroad group could see my maniacal avatar. whoops.
  5. Chimetals

    just realized i miscounted characters, and that i made /another/ game with 17 roles. FFFFF---
  6. Chimetals

    just had the sudden urge to roll healer/support in games for a while. still miss DN, though :<
  7. Chimetals

    just got power back. awww yeahhhh
  8. Chimetals

    just found out MM!s author died, and the story was left unfinished. double depressing :<
  9. Chimetals

    just exited the temple of time....WHY ARE THERE REDEADS EVERYWHERE EGYAGHHHHHHHHHH!!!!
  10. Chimetals

    just bought a psp game. next up: convince my parents to buy me a (silver) psp.
  11. Chimetals

    ive really gotta make that manga reccommendation thread :/
  12. Chimetals

    Ive lost my faith in humanity.
  13. Chimetals

    ive gotta stop wanting to impulse-cosplay characters, even if i /do/ have a wig that would probably work just fine.
  14. Chimetals

    Ive got two theories on my fear of phones--eithier i have some fear of receiving some undefined, ominous, life-altering doom call, or i was beaten with a phone in the past. beaten so badly i cant remember it.
  15. Chimetals

  16. Chimetals

    Ive finally surpassed my child self, after all these years. Red tunic, here i come!
  17. Chimetals

    its now 3 AM, and apparently i am an eagle.
  18. Chimetals

    its now 3 AM for me, aka "everything seems like a good idea time".
  19. Chimetals

    its like all three of my all-nighters got together and hit me with a brick this time around.
    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. 2356

      We shall have to partake in a bitch-off/bitch-fight to determine the one true okay yeah I just wanted to say bitch a bunch of times

    3. Cascade

      we can have the bitch-off when i'm chicago this summer :]

    4. Chimetals

      noeeeee, come to StL, i have kitties!

    5. Show next comments  12 more
  20. Chimetals

    im sick of the world reminding me what my chromosomes are.
  21. Chimetals

    if the 3ds makes everything in 3d, does that mean there are no more 2d girls? nintendo, what have you done?
    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. 2356

      Will Rika ever comment on how I played this visual novel? I'm feeling left out.

    3. Linkprow

      She hasn't commented on me playing this visual novel either!

    4. Rika Code

      I played one visual novel before (Moonshine it was called), but pheo and t1g doing anything that involve being romantic or romance in anyway is not something that I would ever expect

    5. Show next comments  12 more
  22. Chimetals

    if i started a manga thread, would it just be me talking to myself? also, night actions.
  23. Chimetals

    if anyone wants silly texts on friday, pm me your numbers! for you iternetional peeps with smartphones, get a kik and look me up! (my kik name is Chimetals)
  24. Chimetals

    if an english pokemon egg hatches on a japanese file, what language will the pokemon be born in? i will find this out.
  25. Chimetals

    I'm late, but happy wriggling day, Dr. Shrubbery <3