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Posts posted by Xats

  1. Yesterday Unthikable Natural Law (Touhou 12.3) and Undefined Fantastic Object (Touhou 12) was realesed!

    And I'm to lazy to post anything about the most awesome fighter so far, so I'm going to thread steal myself...


    OMG OWNAGE!!!!

    The third figthing game, and we get back Meirin, and also get the best fairy evar!!! CIRNO!!!

    and also the best of the two shrine maids, Sanae!!

    Google translation of mainpage

    Here stands nothing :-3

    Also Suwako and Utsuho was in the expansion and a few new maps and more coulors on the character to choose from :-3

    And UFO was easier then most other touhou games, except you only could get lifes with UFOs.....Yeah

    Wiki Pages: Undefined Fantastic Object

    Unthinkable Natural Law

  2. What was that little tiny digi-screen Pokeball thing? A PokeGotchi? wtf...

    It's, what you call them, stepcounter??

    MEaning you could shake it in order to get your pokemons stats up.

    Geinus Nintendo! Geinus....

  3. Zan Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei is bloody awsome!!!!

  4. This Idea feels pointless since well it's only one generation ahead and is getting the old games that hard??

    and why would need them so badly??

    Would you really need all "special" pok

  5. Are you talking about the level down bug?

    I don't believe it's in the gba version, since my characters never lost any HP after they maxed.

    No I mean that you can cancel a comand and reensign it so you level up faster

  6. Final Fantasy III is also mean if you don't train. FFII is the only game you can get around without training because of it's system

    is the bug from the original still in the gba version??

  7. you would love FFIV DS I bet. you dun over train, you die easy

    I never bet the snes version... Could it possibly be that I didn't grind the leasT?? :snes: x3

  8. Yes. Clown + Meth = Kefka

    so the hulk was a guy that took to much meth??

    Also FFVI would still happend if Kefka wasn't insane at least up til the second part

  9. Zeromus pwns the darn Clown. The Clown just took a little too much meth and thus VI was born.

    Not really -_-

  10. Fiece Muffin speaks the truth.

    IV is just plain awesome. As is I

    I was talking about XIIs system being awsome, and also IV isn't nearly as amazing as VI -_- it even only bearly qualifis as it :-/

  11. Anyone else notice how amazing XII is? Along with IX, IV, and I?

    I mean, goodness, XII has the awesome new battle system, IX has not voice acting, thank goodness, IV is just amazing, and I is simple and clean.

    What are you talking about?

  12. Yeah, I find it hilarious how people hated Microsoft for trying something with Natal, which is different from Wii Motion Plus, yet when Sony unveils this wand project*COUGH*WIIMOTE*COUGH*, no one sees the obvious rip-off.

    both are pretty much ripoffs after all.

    Natal of eyetoy and the wand of the wiimote

  13. Isn't V just like III?

    the system yes, but not the stoey since I don't belive going to another planet was a part of III also they had character development that the original III didn't have, also mid was there :-3

    also they made so each class leveled for it self, not with the person.

  14. I think I have pretty much everything on V except all jobs on one and mimic and that thing that the guy in mirage tells he'll give you if you travell round the world or something.. also two summons... so I have some grinding and scearching to do