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Posts posted by Glitch-Matrix

  1. You may only change your forum title when you reach the rank of Kokiri, which is at 480 posts.

    Are you sure 480? I could have sworn it was more.

  2. I was playing Wii Boxing just a moment ago, and I decided to put the Wii Remote Speaker to my ear, and hear the words kock out. And I tell you something..... It bloody shattered my skull. What is up with you, Nintendo? I guess it's my own fault, really. But you learn from your mistakes, I suppose! :D What about you? Did you do anything stupid aswell which you would care to tell? :D

    I did that once with a phone. Centauri shrieks like a Bandishee and is deaf, so she turns the volume way up..... ouch....

    That was the day I got my own phone.

  3. Me too... :unsure: But I'm not bothered by it! I'm not bothered by ANYTHING!!! :lol: except maybe things that bother me..... :unsure:

    Yeah, I got banned with you. Still not quite sure what I was banned for.

  4. Christmas many years ago:

    I wake up super early (as usual; it's Christmas, after all) and wake Centauri up. We then proceed to rip open our presents. My combined Christmas/birthday present:

    Centauri: "Wow, that's a big box! Who's it for?"

    Me: "Not for you, those are your presents over there."

    Centauri: "Open it!"

    *ripping paper*

    Me: "An N64! YES!"

    Centauri: "Hey, this too!"

    *ripping paper*

    Centauri: "Ocarina of Time?"

    Me: "It's a Zelda game!"

    Centauri: "What's Zelda?"

    Me: "A game series Kaio told me about once."

    Centauri: "Play it! Play it!"

    And so I rip open the box and plug the N64 in. A couple hours later my parents walk in to find us completely absorbed into the game; I had by then gotten halfway through the Deku Tree. And so it began.

  5. Did you know that 95% of professional arsonists are firefighters? And 100% of statistics are total BS?

  6. No idea :rolleyes:

    That's spam.

    I have never used Photoshop, though I really want it, and all the Sigs I have ever made have been made using MSPaint. First you need to make a frame for your sig......... Wait, why am I repeating this? I just spent three hours telling someone else how to do it!

    Anyway, make a frame for it; just a simple rectangle will do. (I'm assuming you already know what you want in your sig...... if not, design it first.)

  7. Nothing illegal, nothing that could cause harm to me or anyone around me, nothing that would cost more than the actual price for the Wii.... I want the Wii, but I'm not stupid.

  8. Daedric, you need to stop it. She's apologized when there was no need to, admitted to things she didn't do, and is even leaving the site because of you. I don't know why it is that you always need to be such a little #$%&*hole, but there are actually some people on this site that don't agree with you.

  9. I was wondering are emulators for n64 legal? I heard that they arent because Nintendo hasnt sued yet, but Sony has. Thanks

    From what I understand, all emulators are illegal unless you own the game you are emulating, but N64 might have special rules.

  10. Ah..... A day in the life of me:

    I wake up in the morning to the pictures of the Wii and TP that I have taped on my ceiling, floor, walls, door, mirror, and basically anywhere else in my room. I go to school, but the classes are so incredibly simplistic and moronic that I doodle Wiis, tri-forces, and wolves all over my page margins. After school I walk home with Centauri, and we talk about the Wii and TP. At night I fall asleep to dreams about playing the Wii I will never be fortunate enough to play.

  11. everyone is ok and we aren't 100% sure what caught it on fire but yea the entire house burnt. thanks for the support guys.

    Wow, that sucks. Good luck.

  12. dont worry, ill never forget you...

    "What was his name again...?"

    nar lol just kiddin.

    plus, ull never get banned any time soon. unless your building up a ball of rage that ur gona release onto this forum...

    Yeah..... if Hylian Wolf's explosion on the NO SPOILERS!!!!! board doesn't get him banned, nothing will.....

  13. Ah, we're all such philosophers, not to mention the worlds most diverse and wide spread support group.... I mean, he didn't even tell us what was bugging him and we all came to support him......

    Makes you feel all warm and fuzzy inside... and writing this post made me want to toss my cookies.....

  14. Everyone.. Thank you... I relized... I'm not exactly ready to leave the planet of Earth... and even if it is... I'M NOT GOING WITHOUT A FIGHT!

    *loud audience cheering in distance*

  15. why do all of you care? I.I

    Don't give me that. I could never stand by and watch as you did something we'd all regret..... I care too much about this forum to let you screw up everything we've worked so hard to achieve. This community, my friends, your friends... or do you not care about them?