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Posts posted by Timmy

  1. What? No.

    Now that the imposters are gone, let's change the subject.

    Let's talk about rat traps! A vermin free house is a clean, happy house! And Cleanliness, like abstinence, is next to godliness! Good thing I have lots of god in my life!

    So I laid one of these out in my house right?


    And I killed two rats at the same time! What idiots! Silly sinners!

  2. Imposters?! In my Forum!?

    The only thing that can save us now is Abstinence!



  3. It's a story about how a high school in Memphis City has 90 girls that are either expecting or have had babies. That is 20% of the female school population.

    There is talk about a pregnancy prevention initiative in the school to discourage students from having unprotected sex and the like.

    And the girl from the school board is like "it is not our fault that they are making the choice to slut it up."

    Well not in those words.

    But she is right, I think.

    If 1 girl or 90 girls get pregnant in your school, it's not your fault.

    It's that they made bad decisions or were raised by parents who didn't teach them this already.

    Idk this is crazy, discuss.

    They are not sluts! They are misguided! There is nothing slutty about this! Do your research! What's your problem!

  4. Bro. Call me Timbro. And I am here to talk to you about the broest of bros. His name is J-bro. More widely known as
