Subtle Engineer

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Profile Comments posted by Subtle Engineer

  1. Subtle Engineer

    So I saw The Dark Knight Rises. Enjoyed it. Had a good weekend, too. Been hanging out.
  2. Subtle Engineer

    Lol I forgot that status updates post when you hit enter, and I'm so used to using it. Anyway, felt this was worth another post. I've been reading A Song of Ice and Fire, the first book of The Game of Thrones novels. No, I haven't seen the show, aside from little glimpses. I'm a hundred pages in, and it's already looking to be a wonderful read, full of twists and plots.
    1. Subtle Engineer

      Old status is gone... Hmm. Well, it's definitely showing that I'm rather new here :P

    2. Michael

      the sidebar on the forum index only shows your last status. You have to go to "view all updates" at the bottom to see the others.

  3. Subtle Engineer

    I like eggs. But I'm also an engineer. I'm going to design an auto turret that shoots bacon omlets at everyone. ...Mmmm... Bacon...

      That sounds wonderful.