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Posts posted by Marijuana

  1. Kinda. THC itself has no negative side effects (that we are currently aware of)but depending on what your unscrupulous dealer cut it with to make it go further, shit like LSD and PCP laced pot as well (one should never mix drugs, especially depressants and hallucinogenics, you can get pretty nasty side effects you won't know about till it's happened.

    I'm sorry to revive an old thread but I just can't stand the bs propaganda on here. I research drugs as a hobby. One of the most important drugs I read up on was marijuana, which I learned everything about over the course of 5 months before ever even trying it. I didn't get high the first 4 times trying it though :/

    Anyways Skippy, you cannot lace weed with LSD. LSD breaks down in sunlight or heat, meaning that smoking weed laced with LSD wouldn't be any different than smoking weed. You cannot smoke LSD! Also, lacing weed is a scare tactic used by the government, and is generally false. Noone would lace weed with addictive substances because it isn't cost effective and the dealer would lose all his customers (and because people can tell if there is a strange powder or crystal on it). Noone would lace weed with nonaddictive substances because it's not cost effective either, and people who would want to try that usually request it. PCP laced weed is commonly known as wet to my knowledge, and only idiots would try that shit. Granted, there may be a few assholes out there who would like to see a kid get puppyed up on PCP laced weed, but those guys would end up getting arrested- especially if the victim ends up in the hospital and tells the police what happened. Usually people wont narc on dealers, but this would definitely be an exception.