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  1. pheonix561 liked a post in a topic by DistortedShadow in Zelda II FPS   
    Hey guys, fairly new to Hyrule.NET forums but I've been lurking a while and finally decided to post.
    I'm not sure if this is a doublepost or not, I searched around but couldn't find anything on this and thought some of you might appreciate seeing it.
    I'm a game developer myself, so I've got a huge respect for fanmade creations. Someone took the trouble to put a chunk of Zelda II: The Adventure of Link into the Unity engine and post it on his web blog. Basically you play as a first person version of Link, in a mostly true-to-the-original replication of the game back on the NES. I grew up with the game, so it was neat to see.
    http://3dnes.blogspot.ca/2010/05/game-info.html is the link. It has some issues (the camera is way too jerky in my opinion) but for the most part it's fun to mess around in.
    Again, sorry if it's a double post.