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Posts posted by Relean

  1. There's always a way around those things. We have the necessary means to develop non-polluting vehicles.

    Everybody should really watch the Al Gore movie...

  2. Once there was a poop but it got old so nobody tried to eat it, so it cried tears that were pink. Then it destroyed the white house because it was 3vil! So the cops killed Bush for attempting to regain his nukes. Then he tried singing carols at Mount Everest while eating pancakes with another squirrel poop. After that they did absolutely nothing to help the inocent dog recover his mom's bone that was lost in the

  3. Sadly, my bike broke. :cry:

    At least I walk and use the enviromental friendly if I want to go somewhere.

    If only every single person in the world helped...

  4. I love vegetables, as long as they're juicy; like tomatoes and lettuce.

    Guess what I ate today? Sushi! I love sushi.

  5. Like walking isntead of riding your car, or even using your bike.

    If you disconnect your phone's charger when it's not being used, you could save a lot of energy.

    It's little things like that.

  6. Once there was a poop but it got old so nobody tried to eat it, so it cried tears that were pink. Then it destroyed the white house because it was 3vil! So the cops killed Bush for attempting to regain his nukes. Then he tried singing carols at Mount Everest while eating pancakes with another squirrel poop. After that they did absolutely nothing to help the inocent dog recover his mom's bone that was lost

  7. That wouldn't be necessary if we actually did something to cease Global Warming. It's not that difficult.

    With some minor changes in the way we live, we could help a lot.

  8. Once there was a poop but it got old so nobody tried to eat it, so it cried tears that were pink. Then it destroyed the white house because it was 3vil! So the cops killed Bush for attempting to regain his nukes. Then he tried singing carols at Mount Everest while eating pancakes with another squirrel poop. After that they did absolutely nothing to help the inocent dog recover his mom's bone that

  9. Rarest food I've eaten...

    Guinea Pig (yes I ate that...) and rabbit.

  10. That's a very good theory.

    And it's a bit ironic that OoT Link wanted TP Link to have a family, but he ended up being an orphan anyway.

    I love your ideas, HT. They explain a lot of stuff.