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Posts posted by AppleDash98

  1. UPDATE: I think I'm just going to go ahead and put someone else's texture pack in a .zip file along with an emulator, the ROM file, and instructions on how to use the texture pack with the ROM because I'm at a standstill with textures. I have no idea how to edit the textures unless I go in and manually change every single place, dungeon, and everything to accommodate them (yes, I will give credit in the readme file). Also, I figured out how to insert and change both actors (things like people, chests and signposts) and levels/rooms. Not so sure about items yet however.

  2. I watch it frequently lol, and I've got all kinds of mlp/brony merchandise xD I'm what one might call a "hardcore" brony hahaha

    EDIT: Read through this, and I might just lose every pony's respect, but I rather likeed that blog xD (P. Molestia) I don't approve of it, but hey, its there and I may as well use it hahaha

  3. We exist for one reason, and one reason only: To wreak havoc on the world by loving and tolerating the SHIT out of everyone :3

    Have any of you seen the new at MLP episode? Where (SPOILER) Sweetiebelle messes up Raritys designer clothes and then fixes them?

  4. Thank you, and I will!!!


    UPDATE: Installed .net framework 3.5 and now the editing programs are working flawlessly, if a bit slow however, as I'm running a windows xp x32 bit. I'm going to start work on textures soon, and that may ultimately take me the longest. Right now I'm just browsing the features and looking around the files. After textures are done, if any of you want to try it out pm/email me (address is in topic desc.)

  5. Yup, that's what I'm using. Along with a hex editor and Scroll of time. Im not sure exactly how to use scroll of time but I'll figure it out sometime.

    @(x x): Ill just edit in a few more rooms (levels) branching off of different places like Hyrule field and Lake Hylia. Also, no, I have absolutely no experience doing 3d modling or anything of the sort other than editing bitmap files (texture packs) for things like Minecraft and survivalcraft. Thankfully, I'm a very fast learner :D

  6. Thanks, and haha yea, I've been doing research on this for about a year now. True, my resources are rather old, but they'll work as long as I manually update my computer with all the nessicary programs. However, thank you for the constructive criticism :D instead of outright hatred. Also, I don't believe I know how to make a better game than them but I'll sure try :)

  7. Well, first, I'd like to say thank you for taking the time to read this (hopefully thoroughly) :D

    I am going to create a .ROM file mod for Nintendo 64 emulators that makes the game so much better. One of the first things I will do is make the graphics much smoother and even add in some of the beta things that are in the debug ROM file that weren't originally in the game. I will also make a few more quests (optional of course) and possibly more items. This will, however, take a long period of time, a few months, a year, or a few years. I will keep you updated on my progress and once finished I will release the file to the public. (please, if I email/pm you a demo, don't leak it, thank you) If any of you would like to partake in the modding, logo design, or anything to help out, please feel free to either pm me, or hit me up at [email protected] If you sent me a message to my email, notify me on here please, just in case it messes up :)

    I'll keep ya updated on my/our progress

    UPDATE: I'm setting everything up to begin my modding. I've ran into a few problems which I believe can be fixed by downloading the latest .net framework version for my windows xp home edition 32 bit version.

  8. I'm new here because I found this site while on my long, yet fun, trek to mod a Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time .ROM file for emulators :)

    I'm trying to first go about this by modding all files by hand, one by one, instead of using helping tools like Utility of Time. However, I've been doing research for abput a week now, and I unfortunately believe that the easiest way to learn how is to go ahead and use UoT. If any of you would like to teach me/give me suggestions, hit me up at my email address: [email protected]

    Almost forgot haha... Hello, my name is Kaleb and I'm 15 years old. I've been doing coding since...well, since I could type xD. I read at a greater level than most younger adults (21-35) and am a grammar/spelling Nazi. I've been a fan of Zelda since I was 1 year old, which is when my parents gave me a transparent green Nintendo 64 and some N64 games, including OoT. (I have a black N64 now which I'm pretty sure is serial #1...never gonna sell that thing hahaha)

    I do prefer being conversed with as if I were an adult, but do remember, I am still a child :D If you'd like to know a bit more about me, please go to my profile :) Thank you for reading, and I bid you good day/night!!!

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