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Posts posted by HeroFlame

  1. I beat Okami today XD 43 hours, ZERO dealths, 72 days passed, no help what so eva, over 180 fangs and a WHOLE LATTA MONEY :)

    XP I'm ganna start up my 2nd round tomarrow some time lol, its a great time passer.

    and the ending, very nice, they even put great care into the credits. and, there might be another game XD they hinted it

    anyway, its great a great game, I recomend it!!!

    but, chances are, when TP comes out, I'm ganna drop the ps2 controller and I won't even recall ever playing Okami XD lmao

  2. I've said it before XD thats the point! this takes alot of brain work to figure out a good way to anser this cleanly, Ganondorf333 has got the right idea :)

  3. no lol, but I bet their all over the place XD

    their shy, if you were a guy and your race was "fairy" you would be shy too :rolleyes:

    edited part: oh oh, theres tingle! *rofl* :lol::lol::lol: oh that was a good laugh *wipes tears away*

  4. Navi isn't annoying! Navi may hey you about pointless crap that you already know about,but as long as you don't push "UP" shes one cool fairy! cooler than the other fairys thats for sure :D

  5. well.. fairys are often girls

    being a male fairy.. oh that must hurt the guys pride...

    anyway I would go with boy.. being that only 1 of your fairys in your sig is white XD

    BUT I have never seen a white fairy, their often blue, yellow, light perple, pink...

    and the guys are normaly a black/red glow and maybe a dark black/perple glow.

    but never white, so tht cancled that out XD

    so... guy! :D

  6. yea fairys have genders XD

    like in MM theres theres Tatl and Tael

    ones and girl, ones a boy, its because their brother and sister XD

    girls are light colors, boys are dark colors...

  7. I was looking for a zelda forum when I came upon this forum :D


    nah I didn't even enter the wii contest XD nor the sword one for that matter (I already have a master sword XD) and I saved my money up for the wii, and I plan to spend it on the wii gosh darnit! :P

  8. Your new sig is funny Flame

    yea, I know XP Link is such a naughty boy. I'm ganna change my siggy pic about once a month, I got alot of those their really funny :P

    and please call me Hero =3

    anyway.. how can one not have a gender?....I mean.. that must suck XD

  9. or maybe, in TP theres a good or bad way, and if ur bad ur stay alive, and if ur good u die a hero

    nah they would be like Fable and Nintendo is so not into a Legend of Zelda game with mutliable endings, cut secnes, quests etc,

    I personaly don't like those kind of games anyway

    I wanna play it and know I seen the whole game, I hate having to have to play it over and over to see eveything there is to see, its over welming sometimes

    sure its fun but, sometimes I just hate it

    anyway about what friedgreenmushrooms said...

    I do agree with you, and fans all over the world would shoot whos idea it was TO kill link off

    but.. I like what mikel said, He COULD die, but then be brought back to life.

  10. oh I have a people to date list!





    yay XD lol,

    I am well aware that he is not of the real peeps, but.. a chick can dream ya?

    plus I got D :D hes.. good enough...



    (jk hun XD)

  11. all links DO die, its just they don't die in game, and then a new link lives

    I've been thinking about this ever sinse my friend told me about it. and I do thin it would add to the dark side of TP

    am I the only one that agrees? :(