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Spoiler or just a Rumor?

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lol link would prberly die then come back alive using some hidden ancient sage power or sumthing... but i doubt he dies at all...

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all links DO die, its just they don't die in game, and then a new link lives

I've been thinking about this ever sinse my friend told me about it. and I do thin it would add to the dark side of TP

am I the only one that agrees? :(

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While I can see Nintendo (read: Shiggy) throwing in a twist that big, I'm having trouble seeing exactly how they could make that happen. And another thing: we are all huge Zelda fans, I think we can agree on that. We've all followed the story, reading speculation and theories online, thought about the supposed order of the games.

But at least half of Zelda fans, the casual players, would blow this out of proportion. From the viewpoint of someone less informed, they would see Link dying and think the character is gone forever. We understand that there's more than one Link, but others would go crazy and the Internet would explode. There would be no way to stop the spread of this spoiler. As soon as one person found out, the entire Internet would know. I honestly believe an event of that proportion could destroy the inner framework of the Internet.

I don't think I'm exaggerating when I say: If Link dies at the end of Twilight Princess, rabid fanboys will destroy the world, beginning at Nintendo HQ and digging down to the core from there. The first ones would be incinerated, but eventually the fanboys would get hold of a nuke, and drill it into the core of the Earth, all because they can't live without Link.

The irony is that the next day, Nintendo would have released Phantom Hourglass, and people would have understood that there are multiple Links. But oh well.

Wow, what a rant.

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or maybe, in TP theres a good or bad way, and if ur bad ur stay alive, and if ur good u die a hero

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or maybe, in TP theres a good or bad way, and if ur bad ur stay alive, and if ur good u die a hero

nah they would be like Fable and Nintendo is so not into a Legend of Zelda game with mutliable endings, cut secnes, quests etc,

I personaly don't like those kind of games anyway

I wanna play it and know I seen the whole game, I hate having to have to play it over and over to see eveything there is to see, its over welming sometimes

sure its fun but, sometimes I just hate it

anyway about what friedgreenmushrooms said...

I do agree with you, and fans all over the world would shoot whos idea it was TO kill link off

but.. I like what mikel said, He COULD die, but then be brought back to life.

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well... personaly... i think nintendo wants us to wait and see...

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Although there are undoubtably more Links that would rise up after Link dies (If he does) in TP I would cry... lol.

Although in alot of Zelda games there are different Links. In essence, they are all the one guy. if they kill one off they won't be able to continue making Zelda games.

Although we all know they have to die sometime in the timeline this is just a speculation and no one is quite sure how many different Links there are. If they kill one EVERYONE will be like "Oh poo Link's dead. No more Zelda"

I hope they don't kill him. It'll take away the magic of the game. LINK IS INVINCIBLE

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Fable: The Lost Chapters FTW!!! :P I love games like that, but you'd hate TES, HeroHlame/HeroFlame,

I think it's an open possibility that would die but, Link isn't actually immortal, now, the fanboys, in all of your scenarios, are too stupid to realise this, i'm quite positive that if Link does die the internet wouldn't crumble, nor would it with any other game, unless it was a game of all time, i mean like, the best game ever with all the best characters and they battle against the greatest enemy of all time but they don't succeed, that'd, with a high possibility destroy the webpages what we go on.

Now, getting back onto whether Link dies or not, well, maybe nintendo have sought twi different endings, either save Proncess Zelda from death or kill the final boss and get killed in the process and Princess Zelda dies, that could happen or.. Link could just own the final bosses hide and all will be merry =) that's what i think anyway.

Link does die, in theory, he does, The Link in WW could be the thrid generation of the original Link, but that's probably a stupid theory.

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omg i so want Fable 2!!! its kool!! im gona choose the... DARK side... mwahahaha :lol:

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Its possible link will die but they might make the next one were you have to go back in time and stop certain event they went up to cause links death but im sure that TP wont be the last zelda is the end for the gaem cube and the beginning for the wii more zelda are sure to come for this brand new console. There is my theory

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if they do stop making zelda games... im going to run upto every nintndo worker and punch each 1 in the pace untill they do... or else, i go management and make them all make 1000000 more zelda games...

and ill make em make my own zelda games into a ds game or sumthen like dat

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I dont think they would kill him, but you never know!


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i guess they could kill off link, i mean, nintendo did say that TP would be the last game in the series that was like in its present form, however link may be mortal, but the triforce isnt! so through some corkie thought the sages (or someone else) could have the possibilty of bringing him back through the presence of the tri force....

it's just a thought anyways

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that was before they finished the title as a wii game.... thats what they ment, now all is game in legend of zelda

i REALLY dont think link will die, and death of major characters by itself isnt usually a theme nintendo developers want to flaunt in their first party games... especially a game like LOZ, but because this game is darker, ppl might die, like maybe llia will get picked off during the game... but i highly doubt link, or zelda or any other MAIN reoccuring characters will perish.

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There was a huge article on this on another Zelda website... Maybe I can pull it up.

Either way, it might be neat to see Link die at the end of Twilight Princess..

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