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Posts posted by GoldenTriforce

  1. ^ Is TGE!

    = IS ME!!! YAY!!!!!

    V likes to put their finger up their nose....

    Yours Truely,



  2. ^ Sorta likes pie!

    = I am indeed in the Evil Army you Traitor!!!!!!!

    V lives on the planet Earth!!!!!

    Yours Truely,



  3. ^ is now a Kokiri..... (you are posting a little too much, man.....)

    Yours Truely,



  4. One big party was held at TGE's house, and True Gamer got so drunk, he hallucinated and saw GM shooting G333 because he wanted to beat his army. Later that night, TGE was snoring loudly, irritating his mother. Next day, after the party, his house was wrecked really badly. Luckily, he had an insurance card from Esurance that covered rampaging houses with green underwear-eating

    Yours Truely,



  5. One big party was held at TGE's house, and True Gamer got so drunk, he hallucinated and saw GM shooting G333 because he wanted to beat his army. Later that night, TGE was snoring loudly, irritating his mother. Next day, after the party, his house was wrecked really badly. Luckily, he had an insurance card from Esurance that covered rampaging houses with green

    Yours Truely,



  6. One big party was held at TGE's house, and True Gamer got so drunk, he hallucinated and saw GM shooting G333 because he wanted to beat his army. Later that night, TGE was snoring loudly, irritating his mother. Next day, after the party, his house was wrecked really badly. Luckily, he had an insurance card from Esurance that covered rampaging

    Yours Truely,



  7. One big party was held at TGE's house, and True Gamer got so drunk, he hallucinated and saw GM shooting G333 because he wanted to beat his army. Later that night, TGE was snoring loudly, irritating his mother. Next day, after the party, his house was wrecked really badly. Luckily, he had an insurance card from Esurance that

    Yours Truely,



  8. Granted.... But upon discovering this, people convert back to the barbaric activity of shooting people in the eyes with arrows.............

    I with that I wath'nt talking with thith sthupid lithp.........

    Yours Truely,



  9. In all honesty, Twilight Princess happens to be my third favorite Zelda game, which is topped by Ocarina of Time in second place.... That would be because in OoT, I was actually challenged.... Sometimes it would take me days on end to complete a puzzle... Whereas Twilight Princess, was very actiony, good with graphics, and gave the Zelda Experience an interesting Twist with the Wii..... But it still was too easy and a bit different than any other Zelda game. It didn't provide to any Timeline theory.... It didn't provide difficult enough puzzles.... And it didn't make many Zelda fans happy..... All it was to me, was some kid in a Link costume savimg the world from eternal twighlight.... Don't get me wrong, I love the game, but it just didn't have the Zelda feel to it.....

    As for my favorite... I'd have to go with WindWaker.....

    Yours Truely,



  10. No insult taken. :) I know I'm not a very devoted Catholic... :embarrassed:

    But it's cool how you go to church and sing every Sunday.

    YAY!!!!!! :joy:

    Yours Truely,



    P.S. I really do love that dancing smilie emote!!!

  11. Oh, yeah. I also used to collect Yu-Gi-Oh cards, but stopped in eigth grade. :embarrassed: Though I still have them somewhere in my room...

    WOW!!! I used to collect those..... but then when the Really really dorky kids started playing with'm (I'm just a normal dork..... I'm more of the video gaming type though :P) So I stopped.... But I still have a box of them..... I also collect Nintendo stuff..... :P

    Yours Truely,



  12. I too am a catholic...... Unlike most people, I actually go to church every sunday, just got confirmed, and will probobly go to church for the rest of my life.

    Unlike most people, (sorry if I'm somehow insulting you True Gamer), I don't just go to church on Christmas and Easter, get my first communion and then confirmation, and never appear in a church again apart from my wedding... No..... I go to church at 8:30 every sunday morning for one hour, during which I sing when we the congregation is supposed to sing (my mother is in the Parish Folk Choire), have a quick break to eat a donut or something, then from 10:00 'till Noon, I go to church school.....

    I believe in God, Satan, Jesus Christ, Heaven, and Hell......

    Although lately,after reading Angels and Demons and The DaVinci Code by Dan Brown, my thoughts have been a bit more radical... For now I believe in the Anti-Christ, I understand the concept of Sex-Rights a little better (though I don't exactly believe they should be done..), and Most of all, I believe that Jesus was married to Mary Magdaline and all the parts based around that simple consept, like what happened at the last supper.....

    I'm a generally strict Catholic, but I'm willing to broaden the borders of my mind.....

    That's me and my religion..... I thank you if you have actually read the whole thing......

    Yours Truely,



  13. ^ That, my good sir, is the symbol for female.....

    = Quite obviously, not female

    V On average, picks their nose 12 times a day......

    Yours Truely,



    Edit: I was doing that for Great evil...... Notice our post times are exactly the same time.....

  14. ^ is from the same country as Mr.EyeofTruth!!!!!! :huh:

    Yours Truely,



  15. First Zelda Game huh? That would have to be Link to the Past..... I got it for Christmas with a gameboy advance..... and boy do I love it!!!

    Yours Truely,



  16. Yeah...... Like back in 2000, when they released the GameCube, they showed loads of new graphic footage..... Among that was an amazing fight scene between Ganondorf and Link.... It was excellent. I was hoping that Twilight Princess would be a bit like that......

    Anyways, they made Twilight Princess too easy. In other Zelda Games, there would be puzzles that I would be stuck on for days on end..... But with this...... It took me about an hour to complete most dungeons, if not less... Although part of what Nintendo does is for the money, I still think that it should appeal to fans who have been with the series since the beginning (or at least as young as they can remember, me being one of them...)..... Those people want to see the Timeline completed, they want the mysteries to be solved (such as the fourth piece), and most of all, they want to solve puzzles that are actually semi-complicated... It somewhat destroyed Zelda.......

    But on the upside, I'm glad they aren't doing what is in my signature.... (see "Scary Zelda Thing")

    Still, we missed out on a lot of great stuff..... Like the Items that Merchant mentioned.... but also Kokiri Forest..... What happened to that?!?!?!? I don't like it.......

    Oh well.....

    Yours Truely,



  17. mmhmmmm....... Well.... I'd say that was reletively good..... But something is missing... ummmmm...... well........ errrrmmmmmm....... I don't know!!! But it just isn't working for me....... I'll post what I think when I'm finished collecting my thoughts and have done a good deal of research based on what you've just said......

    Yours Truely,

