Otis McNutt

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Posts posted by Otis McNutt

  1. No i based it on an old urban legend, it has since been reproduced many times as a movie, stage play and an episode of the Twilight Zone.

  2. A young woman on her way to town broke her journey by staying with friends at an old manor house. Her bedroom looked out to the carriage at the front door. It was a moonlit night, and she found it difficult to sleep. As the clock outside her bedroom door struck 12, she heard the noise of horses' hooves on the road outside, and the sound of wheels.

    She got up and went to the window to see who could be arriving at that time of night. The moonlight was very bright, and she saw a hearse drive up to the door it was an old horse drawn hearse that seemed out of place. It hadn't a coffin in it; instead it was crowded with people. The Coachman sat high up on the box: as he came opposite the window he drew up and turned his head. His face terrified her, and he said in a distinct voice, "There's room for one more."

    She drew the curtain, ran back to bed, and covered her head with the covers. In the morning she was not quite sure whether it had been a dream, or whether she had really got out of bed and seen the hearse, but she was glad to go up to town and leave the old house behind her.

    Some time later she was shopping in a big department store, which had an elevator in it. She was on the top floor, and went to the elevator to go down. It was rather crowded, but as she came up to it, the elevator operator turned his head smiled and said. "Hello dear, there's room for one more."

    It was the face of the coachman starring back at her. "No, thank you," she stammered as she backed away. "I'll take the stairs." She turned away, the elevator doors closed, and a loud snap followed by terrified screams and a loud explosion. As she exited the stairway a large crowd had gathered at the elevator. The cable had snapped and all aboard the lift were killed.

  3. this fall on NBC, a new series called Journeyman will premier, it's about a man who finds himself traveling through time to change peoples lives for the better. I predict that this will be an instant hit.

  4. my wii's broken :cry:

    As Bill Clinton used to say "I feel your pain!" I bought my Wii last January after months of scrimping and saving only to have it malfunction when i got it home (disc's kept on ejecting) but i sent it in and now it works fine.

  5. Thanks for the praise here's a new piece it's called "Adlez: Empress of Darkness".

    The child empress of Hyrule's mirror world Eluryh. A brutal dictator whose black heart pales Ganon's. She wield the power of the Black Triforce and uses it to rule with an iron hand. Seeing all other races as inferior her desire is to racially cleanse the land. As evidenced by the Hsinim skulls she wears around her neck.


  6. hey im new to this site, but i saw this forum and i had to reply. When i first played ocarina of time, i didnt know that the heart containers after the bosses actually increase you hearts. So i just skipped them. After the third dungeon i relized what i had done. So i figured that i couldnt go back to get them(which you can). So i restarted the whole game.

    Oh that sucks! That's a rookie mistake but i'll let it slide :biggrin:

    It's actually pretty self explainatory big floating jewel heart thing's are good especially in a monster filled temple. Now back to me, The Majora's Mask when that game first came out it took me forever to figure out the whole time limit thing. But in my defense the stratagy guide from Prima sucked, that's why i bought an official Nintendo guide insted. I always buy the manual for my Zelda games. I have every one, Wind Waker, Minish Cap, OoS/OoA, TP, Alttp/Fs.

  7. Well it's not the worst mistake in a Zelda game but it's Zelda related. Ocarina of Time had just came out and i was playing it one night. I look at my alarm clock and it says 9p.m. and i say to myself. "Ok you'll play for another hour then go to bed. Well one thing lead to another and thats when my attention turned back to the clock. I had played all night it was 6a.m that whole day i was dragging ass, but it was worth it!!!!!

    In game errors are not as severe I was playing Wind Waker and I had gotten really far and getting so ingrossed in the game i didn't notice that it was getting dark in the middle of the day and a thunderstorm was coming and that's when we lost power! I hadn't saved my game at all.

  8. I saw the Iron Man sneak peak trailer at Comic-Con, it rules the suit's look so cool. I especially like how they used The song "Iron Man" by Black Sabbath in the trailer.

    If it hasn't been taken down, you can see it here, enjoy!



  9. Correct me if i'm wrong but, Hylian lore tells us that three goddesses from a distant nebula descended upon the chaotic land of Hyrule and used their individual power to shape the world. And when they were done they left the world leaving behind THREE golden, sacred triangles each with a small portion of their power called the Triforce. For there to be a forth piece there needed to be another goddess. I think i've made my point!!

  10. Good idea, they sell individual packs for about $2 and a box with 5 packs and a special gold card for $10.

  11. It's good that you got a new ipod. Even though your other one was still working, who knows how long it might have still worked in its condition?

    I still have it as (A) a back up in case (God forbid) something happens to this one and (B} as a portable Hard Drive to store files and other stuff.

  12. As i recently posted, 12 days ago my precious iPOD was by my own volition heavily damaged and rendered all but useless, but all is right with the world because I have a new one! It's a Silver generation 2 iPOD Nano!


  13. I want the anime to come out in the U.s. with the games english voice cast (including "Teen Titans" Robin) Scott Menville as Lloyd Irving!

  14. Here you go, hope they are liked.

    Conan O'Brien(Talk show host)

    Max Weinberg(Conan's band leader)

    Jack Black(Actor, Musician "Tenacious D")

    Kyle Gass(Actor, Musician "Tenacious D")

    Weird Al Yankovic(Musical comedian and master of the parody)

    U.S. President George Walker Bush

    Alien Mii "Greylord"

    Alien Mii "Greyla"

    My Mii(Otis a.k.a Diamondtriforce82)

    my version of the Eye of Truth Mii

    Kevin Eubanks(Band leader of "The Tonight Show with Jay Leno")












  15. I made Jack Black and Kyle Gass of the band Tenacious D as well as Paul Mccartny and george W among others.

  16. It still plays? I thought it wouldn't work after it got smashed. I would be more careful with it next time.

    I know, it's cool i'm listening to it right now...Beach boys!!!!!!!!

  17. Today the unthinkable happened, my precious iPOD Nano which I had for 2 years was by my own ineptitude munched in my car door. But amazingly aside from a dented case and cracked screen it STILL PLAYS. of course the LCD crystals are or rather were bleeding through into the outer screen leaving only a small portion of the lower left hand corner visible, but if you look hard enough you can still see the album name. It just goes to show you that Apple inc really makes a fine product.



  18. In more casting news it seems that Billy Crudup, who starred in Almost Famous and Mission: Impossible III, has been cast as Dr. Manhattan in Zack Snyder's Watchmen. For those of you who are unfamiliar with the "Watchmen" it is set in 1985, in an alternative history United States where costumed adventurers are real and the country is edging closer to a nuclear war with the Soviet Union (the Doomsday Clock is at five minutes to midnight). It tells the story of a group of past and present superheroes and the events surrounding the mysterious murder of one of their own. Watchmen depicts superheroes as real people who must confront ethical and personal issues, who struggle with neuroses and failings, and who - with one notable exception - lack anything recognizable as super powers.

    But Dr. Manhattan on the other hand does have super powers. due to an accident involving a nuclear physics experiment, Dr. Osterman was taken outside the physical realm and returned with god-like powers, including superhuman strength, telekinesis, the ability to teleport himself or others over planetary, interplanetary and Intergalactic distances, control over matter at a molecular level, and near total clairvoyance.

    While his military backers market him as a superhero, he grows increasingly disinterested in human affairs, despite his importance in the Cold War, and is unable to connect with others, especially his love interest Laurie, the former Silk Specture.

    Help spread the word and help Rorschach catch the masked killer, Print out the poster(it can be found on the site) and place in a public place and take a picture and go to http://www.rorschachsjournal.com.
