Hylian Jedi

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Posts posted by Hylian Jedi

  1. WHY NINTENDO?!?! WHY???? The Nsider forums were a community, place, a home, .... a world. Why must you take them away from us. this is stupid they just split up the freakin community. Most Nsiders now will have to go to smaller forums such as this and we shall be seperated. Most fan based forums now are, like this one, about one game series or topic (zelda, metriod, etc.) Yeah your website sucks nintendo but why the heck did you destroy the most powerful bond that brought us Nintendo Fanboys together. No nintendo FANBASED forum will ever reach its greatness (however this one is pretty cool) WHAT THE HECK NINTENDO?!?! :angry: ALL those memories................gone...... :cry:

    While I am on a role I am going to go on about Brawl. Its supposed to be the best freakin game ever and a couple days ago they announced online for it... cool right? NO!!!!!!! :angry: It is extremely limited. No voice chat, hardly any communication at all. Come on how is the wii's online ever going to be good?! And even the matches will be only normal brawl. No variety. AND WORST OF ALL!!! There is not personal record or leader board. WE will never know the best brawler! :angry: It will never have the online competition game like halo does. IF YOU ARE GOING TO DO IT NINTENDO, DO IT RIGHT!!!!!!1!!!1111!!!12!1!!1 :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry:

    :unsure: In completely unrelated new THE FORCE: UNLEASHED WILL BE ON THE WII!!!! YEAH!!!! :joy: