Chef Nonsense

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Posts posted by Chef Nonsense

  1. I wonder how many of these lurkers are actually going to stay and post :/


  2. yes.

    Also it isn't in the trash can so...

    It makes me worried D:

  3. What happened to the Talk topic Tappy made?

    (woah tongue twister)

  4. Locked for a reason, Chef.

    The new talk is marked "For people with slow connections", I guess that means that the monster topic is slowing people down maybe?

    I labeled it that, by the way.

    So that I could at least somewhat justify my unlocking of this topic.

  5. Holy crap we have a lot of lurkers.



    Also why haven't you talk to me yet :/

    I have many tales to tell D:

  6. But I'm still right though, Mainstream or not. (Or not really :/)

    But ya if we were talking mainstream then ya they pretty much haven't changed it.

  7. sorry to burst your bubble, but they already have.

    The first Pokemon Colosseum. You started off with Espeon (Psychic type) and Umbreon (Dark Type).

  8. Hello welcome to the forums. I hope you enjoy the forums.

    If you need any help please contact a moderator such as myself

  9. They did. It was released last year actually.

    It was called Rune Factory Frontier. It was pretty much the exact same except for the Wii and in THREE DEE!

    And then I heard that they were making a third one(I think)

  10. What's funny is "oder" means but or otherwise in german.

    Metroid: Otherwise M.

    But ya this is totally fake.

    Some (Very few) titles sound like they could be legitimate (besides the ones that we know are going to be released)

    Also, lolol Metal Gear Solid NES collection a Nintendo Exclusive

  11. Oh my gawsh liek

    dis gaem sounds liek awes0mes

    I can't w8 4 dis to come out

    Its gunna b t3h 1337 =D

  12. A wonderful life is definitely my favourite of the series.

    Magical melody comes in a close second, but I just really preferred A wonderful life for the fact that it ends and doesn't just keep going on. There is a time limit to what you do and accomplish.

    Rune Factory was an interesting concept, but I felt that some of the factors (having to fight destroy everything in the caves) was a bit more than what I already had to do. But I still felt it was a nice idea and played very well.

    @CO-You never asked :/

  13. I've stopped playing it for like the past two weeks and haven't really looked at it much. :/

    Still haven't used my pokewalker at all.