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Posts posted by iamgod

  1. Stop trying to make us sound like arrogant immature jerks. You're not going to turn the tables. You're the bad guy here, not anyone else. No one is complaining but you. We're all happy, if your not, then leave.

    #1. I never once said i was the good guy. maybe im playing devils advocate =D

    #2. i am happy. it gives me great pleasure to vent my anger.

    also, i like to reminisce in the trivial problems i used to be oh so acquainted to.

    and #3, i would appreciate it if you would follow your own rules and watch your language. I am at least extending you that courtesy

  2. What is there to get? I delete her post because she's offended countless members and the entire reason she's here is to make asses out of us. All she wants is for us to be miserable. Banning her wouldn't work. This probably won't either, but its worth a try.

    I can assure you that its going to be "a better forum." We love each other here, and we're all happy here. There's nothing that your doing to make this a better place for yourself. Bringing us all down and singling us out won't make it a more comfortable place for you. You'd have an easier time just leaving.

    Nah, that'd be no fun if i just left, now would it?

  3. It wasn't meant to be an argument though!!! :angry: Plus, her first topic was a disgrace to really anyone who liked the Kokiris in OoT and liked Saria. Or Link x Saria as a couple. It just made me really angry.

    Plus the fact that she just lives to make us look like complete idiots. Not cool.

    then I will apologize to you on her behalf, because you are a rational person. but i still say that thread was funny. and they are just video game characters. one persons opinion should not affect yours.

  4. Knuckle: i do this because im hoping eventually this will be a better forum. many of you dont like suggestions, however. oh well

    GM: thats what i mean about open minded. You delete all of her posts because you dont get her, or you dont like her opinions. Not everyone in life is going to agree with you, and you wont always have control over things like you do on this site.

  5. Yeah, and her first topic was about Saria having nasty dreams about Link while she sits on her forest stump, which was kind of insulting to me, seeing as Saris is like my favorite Zelda character. Then, I try to be nice to her, saying, 'Yeah, you shouldn't write that stuff, it's not true. But y'know, forgive and forget, right?' and she responds with, 'No, get angry! That makes life more interesting.' And after that, I think she insulted me but I can;t remember.

    And iamgod, or, wait, my mistake, linkrkool, stop makin' stupid new accounts because it's not even proving anything.

    Wow, you got banned, and wow you made a new account. You sure are cool. *sarcasm*

    Baka mono.


    saria_kokiri, malon hasnothing against you personally. just the character. and seriously, whats the fun in an argument if noone argues?

  6. actuallly im gona edit that. it is just you. you are what, like 14? when i was 14, i was not open minded enough to be a mod on a site like this and you are obviously not either. you think your being a rebel against malon on the anger amnagement thread, but really, it was just you being annoying. posting like 6 pages of a bad attempt at sarcasm.

    sry about that. my dial up is being retarded and posting the same thing three times.

    and also i notices you deleted malons post from this thread. y?

  7. Please, fill me in. Why is that? You two keep saying that, but what does it even mean? Why are we a disgrace? Hmm?

    Give me a reason. Please.

    Why am I a disgrace to Zelda fans?

    Then just leave. Find a more exciting forum. Do us all a favor.

    actuallly im gona edit that. it is just you. you are what, like 14? when i was 14, i was not open minded enough to be a mod on a site like this and you are obviously not either. you think your being a rebel against malon on the anger amnagement thread, but really, it was just you being annoying. posting like 6 pages of a bad attempt at sarcasm.

  8. She's done everything to make us mad. She is constantly putting down other members (especially poor Cat Girl), openly expresses her hatred for us. and she never stops telling us that we're a disgrace to Zelda fans. We have every reason not to like her.

    She has even told me that the entire reason that you and her have come here is to see how long it takes you to get banned.

    Malon has no morals toward any of us. She's generally heartless and deserves every ounce of our hatred toward her.

    I have to agree with her a little. not completely. you guys kinda are a disgrace to zelda fans. well, some of ya. mostly just you GM. and a few others.and if you knew malon, you would know that the only reason she is hatin' on cat girl is because she hates cats, and her strange mind therefore hates something with the name cat in it. its just her being wierd. and im not going to be a liar, yes we did have a little competition going to see who could get banned first, but it was because you people can be so ungodly BORING sometimes.

  9. If you want to stick around, be my guest. We could always use more members.

    But you won't make many friends pointing out everyone's faults (whether they be true or not) and desperately trying to get banned. Your "linkrcool" account will be unsuspended in a few days.

    I don't know about Malon though. Your forgivable, she, on the other hand, is not on good terms with anyone here but you.

    From what ive seen, malon has done nothing to make you guys mad, she just has a sense of humor that you dont understand.

    and i think i could get used to being a god, i think ill stick with this account.

  10. No matter how big a forum is, it still needs rules. Otherwise you get anarchy.

    plus we need a double posting rule. if we didnt have it people would double post and then attempt triple post, quadruple post etc etc and it'd just keep getting higher.

    Perhaps you will stick around longer.. but how long you stay is entirely up to you.. you know the rules. Dont break them.

    therein lies my point. sometimes people post while a person is posting, so they post again. other times they may think of something new that assists in proving their point, so they post again. i dont see a problem with double or triple or even quadruple posting on a forum this size. in my opinion, the more the merrier. mmore for me to read. As it is, i get bored on these forums because there isnt enough to read or w/e.

  11. its against the rules. there's more of a definition & 'why not?' in the rules thread in my sig.

    wow the rules on this forum are retarded. I could understand having rules abuot double posting and chit chat and whatnot on these forums if they were more popular, say 1000 different members on at any given time. but they are not. there are like 20 or 25 normal posters on here. thats it. no reason for all the rules. the only rules i see as relevant are limiting language and people being donkeys.

  12. No perhaps not but teenagers are typically insecure.

    please dont double post ;)

    i have one more grievance to add:

    #5. if you are under the age af 14, you do not have a bf/gf. I dont care what you think, you dont. period. end of story.

    and why no double posting?

  13. 1. well... i am the living dead, and i dont have a bf... so that failed lol

    2. LMAO!!!!! so very very true

    3. if ne 1 dosnt know that i will slap them

    4. nope... uve met me!!! well... i kinda am the opposite sex... so i fail there lol


    1. catgirl needs to grow up (the most)

    2. why dont you ppl talk about kewl things like: grill it, mow it, or blow it.

    3. whats wrong with insults?

    4. WHY AM I MARRIED 2 A CANADIAN!!! (i should have kept that 1 2 myself because it dosnt really relate to nething here)


  14. 1. you will not die if you are single. there is no law that says you will melt, spontaineously combust, etc, if you dont have a bf/gf

    2. if your going to ban a person from a site, you might not want to have a link that says "create new account" on the page that lets you know your account has been suspended.

    3. I have a question reguarding your fanship. If your all such great zelda fans, then who is on malons locket on her necklace in OoT?

    4. You are all HERMITS!!!! i have never met such a large gathering of people who are incapable of associating wwith the opposite sex. seriously.