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Posts posted by Gingerlink

  1. no tetra, i.e. zelda on wind waker, although im not entirely sure what it was.

    Space world 2000 wasn't cancelled....

  2. well going on all the information we've got...

    1) it's a zelda game, that's a good sign right from the beginning

    2) the combat engine is the same as wind wakers but got more added on, the combat in wind waker was immense....

    3) there's horseback combat...

    4) Im really interested to know how the storyline goes.

    I really don't see why you DON'T think this can beat ocarina, we've got nothing to go on that says it won;t nothing particualrly to go on to say it will either, but as i said, none of us have had the chance to play it...

  3. i would use the bow and arrow to hunt and catch fish etc..

    fire arrows could also be used for heat and to light fires etc...

    that would be all i'd need really...

    no need for a bottle so long as you stay near a stream, sword might be useful though if the island is overgrown...

  4. consdering its not even out yet, i doubt hes trying to sell it somewhat...

    He probabbly means who's seen it and likes the look of it.

    Should be pretty good using the wii controller to aim and the nunchuck to grapple, but i reckon i'd need to try it myself to get the best feel for it...

  5. (nah, its fine i think its getting somewhere....)

    *realises navi's disapeared*

    *stares evily for a moment at zelda*


    *goes off to find navi again*

  6. I doubt that midna is princess zelda, because nintnedo have talked about how she changes outside the twilight realm and zelda is seen clearly in a non-midna form (tricky to see because she's wearing a cloak, but both of her eyes are visable and normal).

    The master sword also seems unlikely consdering i think link is carrying it in the demos while talking to midna.

    Majoras mask is more likely, but as far as im aware it was destroyed, so that just leaves all blanks.

    Midna must have some motivation to help link, but then again anybody would be willing to help link if it would get rid of the twilight realm.

  7. *opens chest*

    *gets a spade*

    *digs a hole to the surface* (gotta dig up you know...)

    *comes out next to where zelda's standing*

  8. personally i hope its a bigger hit than that because

    a) it will be more like a proper zelda game

    B) it will be longer

  9. you see, that ruins this whole thing i think,i deleted your last post because it included tons of swearing as well, but really what i think you're doing is ruining the story...

  10. *two stalfos appear*

    *draws sword and shield*

    *parry's the first ones attack jumps over it's head and knocks it off, swonging round to slice through the other one*

    *chest appears*

    *does small victory dance*

  11. *wakes up*

    *realises hes fallen down a random hole*

    thinks:o great

    *gets sword out and starts looking for a way out*

    thinks: uh oh, where's zelda too?

  12. *climbs up wall and helps princess zelda back through the window*

    *sees ganondorf*

    *gets bow and arrow out and notches a light arrow*

  13. no, its going fine now and as long as everybody isn;t online at once and all posts at the same time it should be ok.